
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 12 February 2014



Well it's that day again, the one where we dash around the world visiting many a desk and space. Make sure you pop over to the The Stamping Ground - home to Julia, the director of all desks to link up and join in.

I'm starting to have a sort of my craft room. I desperately need to get rid of stuff I don't use. Like all crafters I've tried most crafts and therefore have products that once I used but no longer do. Time to sort, sell, throw or keep. Wish I could afford those lush matching units you see. You know the pristine white ones with storage for everything. Ah well!

Firstly the mess. Yes I do make mess, contrary to what most of you think. Here's my bin/space between desks - 

A bin that is spilling over. Behind is pile of stuff. You know things that perhaps are too big for shelves, my laminator is there. Box of plates and embossing folders for my Ebosser. Underneath are 2 boxes that I put any cards/projects I make. I do try to make DT makes that are suitable for birthdays and events as I go. 

My desk is relatively tidy, just a few projects on there. Here's the pics - 
The right side as always has my pens, radio and Ebosser. But on the wall is my charity shop find. An old spice rack. Perfect for putting my inks and paints. 

Isn't it fab? 

The window side is clear-ish, I'm in between DT makes and need to write my article for Bristol Rovers today. But there's the cute little boy card I've made for my friend plus 2 cards for my dad's birthday this weekend. Just need to make envelopes.

Right that's me - coffee, then I need to get writing! 
Take care Zo xx


Jackie said...

Your hardly ever get to see mess in your posts!!!!! Good to see!! Well makes me feel better!
Jackie 22

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

All those expensive matching craft storage units may look fancy, but I prefer the quirky solutions that we crafters come up with ourselves. The spice rack is just the job. Hope the writing is going well xx

Fiona #42

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hiya, bet you're happy cos the Gasheads won last night! That spice rack is the perfect find and just right for your little bottles :-). The weather is so vile today, I'm staying in and sewing!
Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

glitterandglue said...

I like the spice rack - good idea - now things are where you need them. Werll done. Trust you are surviving this incredible weather down there in Somerset.
Take care.
Margaret #74

Claire said...

Now that's what a spice rack should be used for (not being much of a cook!) :D
Looks like you're making great progress!
Happy WOYWW :)
no. 26

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Look at that mess! We're so happy to see it and know you're human! I agree that we crafters try everything and then find out what we like, leaving lots of extra bits in our lives. Good luck with that cleaning out and paring down!

JoZart Designs said...

The spice rack is a super solution and at a bargain price and helping a charity too, so it's Perrfick! Your desk still looks good but that's about the worst (or best!) I've ever seen it on your blog. You are always so tidy and organised.
Love Jo x

shazsilverwolf said...

What an excellent find! Makes the perfect storage item. Thanks for the colouring tip- its those little tips that usually make a world of difference, I'll be trying that over the weekend. I was gobsmacked by the Magenta- it just went wild, lol. I have some of the Expedits, and one with a desk attachment for my BSPro- you should see the mess under there! Everything that doesn't have a real home goes under there 'till later'. Maybe I'll take a pic next week. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz # 43 xx

Laura said...

Love the ink rack
A good win for your boys last night.
Happy Wednesday

Lisa-Jane said...

I'm impressed to see your spice rack in use already! I tend to get these things and then take an age to get them up! #45

Annie Claxton said...

Lots of people seem to be clearing out and tidying up their rooms at the moment - maybe I will get the bug too! What a good idea with the spice rack - I use a mug tree for rolls of tape which works well too. Happy WOYWW Annie C #67

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's been awhile since I was here, but was surprised to see any mess. I really like those cards on your desk. What a great find at the charity shop. Perfect use, too. Thanks for visiting me earlier. Happy WOYWW from #1.

fairy thoughts said...

Ooo you messy little Zoe.... I knew you had it in you. you are good to get rid of stuff you don't use any more .... I just cannot you never know when you might go back to it. I threw a lot of patchwork stuff away years ago ...its all back again now. Love the spice rack I have a similar one I use for sprays too, it s great storage. have a good week
janet #32

Claire Grantham said...

Hi Zoe, thanks for swinging by my blog. A clear out is very good for the soul! I love the spice rack..genius. Cx #31

Daniella said...

Your spice rack is fab! I wish I could see what fun things you are throwing away!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you finding that spice rack - I keep spices in the cabinet on a lazy susan but this WOULD be perfect for inks, displayed in a way so I could SEE them without pulling them out one by one. See? THIS is why WOYWW is so helpful :)

Romantic day out with DH kept me from WOYWW so here I am today!

Mary Anne (27)

Marit said...

Oh WOW, that spice rack is fabulous and what a great idea! Your 'bin' made me giggle... the 'stuff' we do as crafters! It is inspiring though, your desk, your pens as well as the 'bin space'... happy crafting! Have a great day and see you around next week, big hug from Holland! Marit #57

Carmen said...

The spice rack is genius! I know what I'm looking out for now! I wouldn't want the pristine white units - be to scared to mess them up. Much prefer a space that is definitely used :)

Thanks for stopping by already!

Carmen x #81

Anonymous said...

Love the spice rack and who needs those white pristine units anyway apart from me and you lol. we can dream. perhaps one day. take care Alison xxx

505whimsygirl said...

I know what you mean about the nice -- all matching white crafting units. They look wonderful. But I also like the way re-purposing things look too. As long as I find a place for everything I'll be happy (still working on that by the way).

Happy belated WOYWW
Kay (86)