
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Monday, 17 February 2014

Sharing Baxter with you!

I rarely post about personal stuff these days, oh I add little notes here and there, but don't find the time to do more, however today I want to share this with you all.

I had this canvas done of Baxter - 

Isn't it lush? I randomly snapped this on my phone. Once it was on the puter I knew it was an image I loved. So I had the photo printed 7 x 5 and put it in a frame. Then I saw a recommendation for a canvas company along with a discount code.

Well the prices are fabulous on their own but with the discount I had to buy. The company is -

My canvas is a 12 x12 inch. The service was fantastic, the website easy to use and the quality is far better than I thought it would be for the price. I shall be using this site again and wanted to share it with you all as I know lots of you love your fur babies/human babies too!!

Take care Zo xx


Anonymous said...

Zoe Baxter looks so handsome. Love Alison xx

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture. Will go and have a look at that link - got so many piccies I would like on a canvas! Ali x

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture. Thank you for sharing that link. Will go and have a look now. Ali x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Baxter is so cute! Look at that nose! What a nifty present to give yourself, and Baxter when he fancies a look at himself.