
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Friday, 21 February 2014

Creating texture on clothes

Hello, I'm back today to share my Graph It colouring challenge DT make. 

For this week's challenge I had a play with creating texture on clothes and in particular denims. Once I finished colouring my image (Cell by Saturated Canary), I sprayed some Mix It Fluid onto a textured towel. I then dabbed the cloth onto the coloured jean's, not rushing to allow the fluid to lift some of the colour and to leave the impression of the cloth.

Here's a close up of the jeans -  

I'm really pleased with the effect and will play around with different materials to see what texture they create!
Once dried I framed this image to create a picture.

The Graph It's I used are - 
Skin = 4115, 4120, 4125, 4135, 4150, 4155, 4170
Hair/shoes = 3190, 6160, 5140, 4150
T-shirt/bag = 7140, 7145, 9103
Denim = 9100, 9102, 9103, 9505, 7180

Would love to see your creations using the fabulous Graph It's.

I'm also entering this into the following challenges - 

Take care Zo xx


Sammy said...

It's a great effect! Those jeans look awesome! Thank you for playing along at Milk Coffee this challenge. Sammy-x said...

Fabulous technique Zoe - thanks for sharing x

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous card Zoe fantastic technique. Have you heard anymore about your bathroom alterations. Love Alison xx

Cards by Ziggy said...

The jeans look fabulous well done, wish my work looked half as good


Princess Judy Palmer said...

Wow! You've just kicked your coloring abilities up a notch with that technique. You rock!

Rita Edwards - Edwards Design said...

What a sweet girly image to fit our challenge so nicely this week!
Thank you for joining us at Milk N Coffee
hugs, Rita DT

Unknown said...

Wowzer Zoe xx

Helen said...

Love the jeans. Might have to give that a try.
Thanks for joining us at Creative Knockouts
Hugs Helen (DT) xx