
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


 A bit late for me, but I've not been so good today and it's taken me till now to sort myself out to post.

The desk is empty to be honest apart from 2 things drying which are -

A notebook I've covered - the covers were a bit battered and I had coloured this character and loved her so didn't want to give her away or lose her, so I thought I'd put her on my notebook as I use it all the time!

These are pages in my Green Smash book I use for memories and I'm preparing pages for a special memory and going to use it for a DT project coming soon!

So that's it, there isn't anything else happening on my desk. I'm starting to feel a bit cooped up as I've not been able to go out since last Thursday, it's just not worth the risk of me falling as my sticks don't work well on snow and ice nor does the wheelchair!

But the view from my craft room is quite pretty. Believe it or not, there is an old railway track up there which is a museum. They run steam trains along it and I can on a clearer day see the men restoring carts and track etc.

Right that's me done, pop over to Julia's to find better desks and probably snow pictures! 
Take care Zo xx


Hettie said...

Love the image on your notebook and can see why you didn't want to lose it!
So - you peep on men working do you? Well, it is such a rare!
Keep safe and warm!

ria gall said...

I hope you are feeling better now, a lovely cover on your book and a good start to your book
Ria #92

Anonymous said...

Zo sorry to hear that you have not had a good day, know just what you mean though it's awful when you are in pain and can't get about properly wishing you love and hugs.

I love the image on your notebook she is gorgeous. Keep warm and safe. Love Alison xxxx

Vicky said...

Simply gorgeous hun...and I hope you feel better soon sweetie..:o)

big hugs Vicky xx

lisa said...

I'm glad you decided to post after all, Zoe. We miss you when you don't.
Your notebook has been given a new lease of life with your gorgeous young lady there, she's beautifully coloured.
You have a great view out of your window.
Take care and keep warm.
hugs Lisax #60

fairy thoughts said...

Hi zo
yes that is a great picture I can see why you love it. It is terrible to be stuck indoors, at least you have your crafting to keep you going. take care and keep warm.
janet #30

SandeeNC said...

I love the snowy rooftop view you have and does the team engines actually run? It would be cool to see one running with all thesnow around it. I'm so sorry it's not a good day and you're right, it's not worth going outside and risking a fall, but I do think you need snow tires on your chair! lol Thanks for visiting my desk, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Zo (this might be the 2nd comment)
i can see why you love the image so much she is gorgeous, especially the colouring. at least you have your crafting to keep you entertained. stay warm and have a good week
janet #30

donnalouiserodgers said...

ah Zoe, I have not got your mobility issues and I always use a walking stick (or two) in this weather, blogging is a lifeline hun, so your effort is always appreciated, so you will reap reward for your efforts,
keep your pecker up and your bum firmly in a warm seat,

dxxx 54

okienurse said...

Sorry to hear it has been a bad start to the day for you Zoe! I don't mind aging but the disabilites I have inherited with it put me at wits end some days. It is cooler today so everything is paining! Love the view from your roof top room! Thanks for stopping by my desk! Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #35

JoZart Designs said...

glad you're safe, warm and happy up in your snowy roof top view. glad you managed to join in too.
now I too was going to ask about the spying... do you have binoculars?
love jo x

Laura (Bookworm) said...

Hope you have felt a bit better as the day went on, Zoe. Your coloring on the girl in the pink skirt is so good -- I'm glad you've kept her for yourself to enjoy. Happy WOYWW to you, in your room with a view. ~ Laura #119

Jackie said...

Sorry the snow makes life even more difficult for you... We all complain about getting about but it's almost impossible for you
Look forward to seeing how the smas book looks

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That's the downside of all this does look pretty but makes life tough for some. It looks like its thawing this weekend so hopefully you'll be out and about very soon. Blogging and crafting are a good thing to do...your colouring is amazin btw....truly awesome!!!
Hugs, LLJ 37 xx

scrappymo! said...

Will watching these pages develop into a work of art!

As a basement crafter with no window in my little paradise, I am green with envy at that fabulous view...I love the peeping on the workmen story!
My grandfather was a railroad contractor. He built railroads in the US and in Canada.He was one of 10 contractor who built the section thru Hell's GAte on the Frazer River. It is a popular tourist spot as the river is very scary there and there are fish ladders to get the salmon home to spawn. There is an ariel tram to view the river as well.
Anyway...sorry for the ramble...but if I had a birds eye view of workmen and anything to do with trains (especially stream trains) I would have to scrapbook a layout! teehee

Daniella said...

I love your coloring!! And your journal looks promising already!!
I hear you about the weather!! I can't go out in the snow either, so I feel you!!!
Feel better!!

Darnell said...

I can see why you didn't want to part with her, Zoe! She makes a perfect journal cover!

I hope the weather turns nice soon so you aren't cooped up much longer and that you start feeling better, too. Thanks for visit to the Playhouse earlier! Take care!! Darnell #131.

Helen said...

I can feel your frustration at being stuck inside, I hope the thaw comes soon (and without flooding!) so that you can emerge, butterfly like from your cocoon....!!! Love the work you have managed to do though! Helen, 9

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I am hating this cold weather, as we have not had enough snow to make it pretty/fun, and not even enough frost to keep the mud away. Warmer at the weekend, but then rain/wind returns (which I hate). In other words I really need to move to Spain! Having a rubbish few days health-wise too. We are off to a farmers' dinner tomorrow and staying overnight at the posh hotel, so hope I feel well enough to enjoy it. Ali x #93

Cardarian said...

Yes when one is not well blogging is a chore but I am glad you made it and thank you so much for commenting on my blog! Your notebook looks much cuter now! I know what it is like having problems walking in the snow - I have a stick too and you just feel so insecure all the time! Hopefully the snow goes away soon and sunny days come back! That railway in the back of your house must be interesting!
Lots of hugs,

Sheilagh said...

Thank you for your kind words, my daughter got the best news and I am so grateful for the kindness of strangers.



Hope you are feeling better today, I just want to feel warm ;)

trisha too said...

The makings of some great pages, and a fun book!

Happy WOYWW!
:)trisha #164 this week
and a little late!

Anne said...

Sorry that you've not been well. I am even later getting on here - one of those days yesterday. I love the cover of your notebook. Anne x #145