
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


Well I'm here.....just......not been feeling great so have been sleeping alot. But I managed to get into the craft room earlier to take pics.

As always if you are wondering what I'm going on about, then you need to visit Julia - Queen of all desks to suss it all out.

Here's mine - 
So the right side, during a better moment I tidied the huge pile of mess that was under the desk and between. Now, apart from the over spilling bin, this area is neater and I can get my hands on what I want easier.

So right side desk = usual.

Window desk = a card I've recently made and my blue folder that I want to sort through. It holds stamps but I don't use them so am going to sort to sell/give to crafty friends.

A new addition. My old trusty Ottlite broke :( I thought it was the bulb so ordered a new one. But it isn't. It was the unit so I ordered this new slimmer fold-down-able version. 

Right that's me; meds are wearing off, I am eating salt and vinegar crisps to help with the nausea (yep pain gets bad it makes me feel sick) and resting up. So will be later than normal getting round but I will. Before next week anyway!! :)
Take care Zo xx


Unknown said...

I hope you get to feeling better real soon! Love your new Ott light!!! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #4

shazsilverwolf said...

Zoe, I hope you are feeling a little better now.My DIL suffers chronic back pain from a spinal fusion, has since she was a young girl, and I know how low it makes her feel. Well done on the tidying, I know what you mean about stamps you don't use, I gave my DIL a load last year for her and the Grandkids. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #41 xx

Sharon Underwood said...

I'm #95 and saw your post, so I'm here to comment. Great desk--so neat and organized! Please let me know what you have to sell, as I might be interested in buying. Looks like you have an incredible supply of Copics, and they, too, are incredibly organized. You've inspired me! Hope you feel better soon!

Daniella said...

I am jealous of your windows and your new light! I have to get better light. I also spy a We R Memory keepers box or envelope maker by your window. I have one too and I like it!
Feel better soon!

Jackie said...

Thanks for your visit!
How are you finding your new light?
Hope you feel a bit brighter soon
Jackie 36

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Ah hun. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well - permanent nausea must be hard to cope with. I can only wish you well, send big positive hugs and hope you feel better VERY SOON!
I love my daylight lamp, couldn't sew without it, so I hope your new light serves you well :-)
Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

Helen said...

Hope you feel better soon. The room looks tidy to me, lol! Helen 5

Anonymous said...

Zoe sorry to hear you've been under the weather hope everything settles down soon. Sorry short posting dosed up on morphine pain really bad at the moment. Please take care of yourself. Love Alison xx

Anonymous said...

Hope that today has been a crafty one for you, and with less pain/nausea. I have not joined in this week, but still visiting a few blogs. Ali x

glitterandglue said...

A really cute card there, Zoe - well done. Great looking neat and tidy room, too. How ever did you do that whilst feeling so ill?! I do trust you will soon be feeling heaps better.
Take care.
Margaret #13

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I do hope you will be feeling better soon.
I noticed your embossing machine, gorgeous and so much easier than all that winding lol! Happy crafting, Angela x 63

okienurse said...

great clean up! I need to do the same my desk is almost unmanageable at times! I like the look of your new OTT light. I may need to save some pennies and get me one! Is that a new electric embosser? Fun! Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Can't wait till summer so I can feel a bit better too. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my desk! Vickie aka Okienurse #57