
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 29 January 2014



Desk dashing time again so make sure you check in with Julia - the desk controller of the world to make the most of this adventure!

So my desk taken about half an hour ago - 

Had a re-jig of my pens to sort my Copics & Graph It markers. I like to have them all sorted into colours ranges/number order! Bit OCD I know.

Pens, charts and colouring.

Window side.

Sneaky peek at a new image.

I left my Project Life out last night to remind me to print photos and do last week's layout.

So that's me. Today I'm going quiet. Those that know me will be pleased to know the OT lady & Surveyor/Grant man from local council came yesterday to sort out the forms & to finalise plans to proceed with my wet room!! Plus I had some grab rails fitted. We are slowly getting there people!! Yay!!

Coffee time; oh before I go thought I'd share this photo - 

Guess which cheeky boy stayed in bed while the humans of the house got up?!!!! LOL

Take care Zo xx


Di said...

Hi there Zo! I still follow you but don't always manage to find time to comment. Yay for the wet room - that's gonna be such a help.

Giggling at the cheeky boy tucked up in his cosy bed :)

Happy WOYWW, not playing along yet again here but wanted to let you know am still about - hope you make it to the crop in May?

Hugs, Di xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Your workspace always always looks so lovely and organised. Unlike my messy pile of fabrics! Great news on the wet room. Thanks for stopping by today xx

Anonymous said...

Oh I hope the wet room plans go well, I'm sure that'll be a huge help for you.

Baxter is a cheeky monkey! So adorable.

I love your organised pens! I'd have to do that too. Your project life album looks great.

Thanks for dropping by my desk earlier. Happy woyww.

Zoe #55

Unknown said...

Morning Zo - Boys! They can sleep for an army. I warn you to brace yourself if you visit me as the first photo could be a bit scary! Love your pen collection though. It is fab to have a tidy once in a while and to sit and admire beautifully organised and colour coordinated stash! WOYWW Hugs from Helen 74 x

JoZart Designs said...

So neat and tidy and organised....
It will be fabulous to have a wet room... how cool and what a help it will be for you.
jo x
Thanks for visiting

famfa said...

There's nothing wrong with OCD when it makes your pens look so lovely
Famfa 4

Unknown said...

Very organized I those copics I only have a few.....are you enjoying Project life? ZEFFY 66

LisaDV said...

I love your pen storage. Congrats on moving forward with your wet room. Happy WOYWW. LisaDV #87

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lol, he knows a good spot when he sees one. Wish I could have done the same in my bed this morning but it wasn't to be...sigh.....
I adore your pen organisation...gladdens my heart in fact. I love it when things are neat and tidy and you don't have to waste time searching for the particular item you need. Happy Days.
Great news re your wet room btw..hope it happens quickly!
Hugs, LLJ 51 xx

Ann B said...

And I thought I had a lot of pens, you beat me hands down. Glad to hear about the wet room, hope it makes your life a little easier.
Thanks for visiting and for the tip about Ventura pearl car, will try that one out as the weight is just right as well.
Ann B

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I've had days like that--where staying under the covers is the best option. I've thought about better organizing my Copics inside their case (shown today on my blog) but I've kind of learned where in the case they are even if there is no rhyme or reason to it. Thanks for sharing what's happening in your world today. Judy #96

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Zoe, glad things are getting sorted for you. Your last pic reminds me of a cat we had when I was a child. he'd come upstairs, jump on the bed, then wriggle down under the blankets and curl up around your feet. He'd sleep there for hours. Never figured out how he didn't suffocate, though! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #35 xx

Jackie said...

Good to see your project life out and you are being very organised and printing your photos
Glad things are getting sorted!
Jackie 33

Helen said...

Glad to see you're getting somewhere re the wet room - that is good news! Helen 9

Anonymous said...

Good news about the Wet Room, I just love ours now it is complete it makes so much difference, it means I can actually shower in peace and not have someone helping me unless I am really bad that is but it gives you some degree of independence. Laugh at your photo as it made me think of Bella who usually stays in bed until I pull the covers back to shake the hair out of the bed otherwise it makes me itch all night lol. Love Alison xxx

Karin said...

What a wonderful collection of pens and storage for them.
Happy Wednesday,
Karin 104

fairy thoughts said...

hi Zoe I'm guessing that is Baxter under the covers ... he knows the place to be on a cold wet winters day.... lucky dog.
Good news about the wet room, my Mum has one and find it much easier than a bath.
have fun with the invites, Henry Ford would have been proud of me I was like a conveyor belt
thanks for your visit
janet #37

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Good news about the wet room. Organised pens - just how I like things. Ordered the new Spectrum Noir pencils and looking forward to trying them out. Ali x. #56

lisa said...

Ha, that's a brilliant photo, Zoe. It'll be one for your PL this week! Love your color coordinated pen storage and glad you are finally getting what you need fitted.
Hugs Lisax #59

My name is Cindy said...

Looks like you've had a makeover - very snazzy! Lots going on in your desk. I am similarly OCD about my pens, might share my new storage with you all next week if I remember. Oh, boys do like their beds don't they? My 20 year old has (at last) been working since Jan and he is so much better for it, he's actually been quite human (but on Sundays he reverts to type!) Good news about the house improvements, I hope they will make life a little easier for you. Happy WOYWW, thank you for the visit Zo!!
Cindy xx

Sharon Madson said...

Wow! You have a lot of markers! I like your storage, too. Wonderful photos of your space today. Thank you for sharing and for visiting my space earlier. :) #26

RosA said...

It may be a bit OCD, but that's exactly what I would do with those pens too :)
Thanks for your visit earlier, RosA # 14

okienurse said...

Love your desk view! I am thinking about starting a life book also! Do you have problems with your Spectrum Noir pens drying out? I have several colors I am going to have to buy reinkers for soon. I sold all my Copics and they were all still really wet after 3 years. btw what is a wet room? I have been thinking about grab bars too...let me know what you think. Have a great week. Vickie aka Okienurse #111

Neet said...

I am green with envy at the thoughts of a wet room - hope you get it soon.
Lovely shots of the desk.
Hugs & Thanks for visiting me earlier, sorry I am so late - Neet 50

Rachel Webber said...

What a fab workspace, thanks for sharing it with us all.

Rachel #109

Lisa-Jane said...

Nothing wrong with being OCD about your pens - I'm just the same! It makes is quicker to find them too ;-) #46

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've never owned any of those pens, but I sure like how you organized yours. And since I'm a neat freak, I can relate to being a bit OCD. Since it's gotten so bitterly cold here, Bleubeard has started sleeping under the covers. Before, if his head was hidden or covered, he'd go berserk and fight his way out. Happy belated WOYWW from # 1.