
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 22 January 2014



Hope you are all well? So it's desk displaying time again so pop over to Stamping Ground - home to Queen Julia of all desks who will explain what this is all about. 

So my desk - 
Usual suspects.

A mess! 

WIP covered deliberately I may add but zoom in to pick out details!!

The reason I keep my working desk in front of the window. Sun and a view. (Though you can't see that, I  can look out across the valley, up to the railway museum and see old steam engines going up and down the line!)

Chaos - so many Smash books!

Well done to those of you who spotted the different radio! My fabulous Union Jack radio broke :( so I bought a new radio because I listen to Talksport everyday. I know! But I love the banter, news and guest interviews.

Self-boasting alert! - Now some exciting news, some of you already know I'm on the Polkadoodles Design Team, well I have recently joined the Graph'it Design Team too!! I was honoured to be asked and as I love colouring, this was an opportunity I couldn't refuse. My first lot of samples were shown on the telebox yesterday. So exciting!!

So that's me, I shall visit you all, I may not always comment but I do pop by. I appreciate all of your love, it makes me smile and these days I need every smiling moment I can get. 

Take care Zo xx


Anonymous said...

I used to try to listen to Radio 4 or audio books, but I ended up getting so absorbed in what I was working on I would realize an hour (or more!) had gone by and I had NO IDEA what I had heard :) Music is better, and I have to admit the lazy option for me is to select Massive Attack and just let it shuffle play - there isn't much that comes up that actually annoys me and most of it I actively like so that works for me. Nice and tidy, as are SUCH a neat-nik!

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (19)

Ann B said...

Radio 4 Fan here, nothing better than crafting to the Archers or a good play. And that is not a mess, well not in my book, am sure you could be a lot messier if you tried harder lol.
Ann B

Jackie said...

I listen to the radio while I work away as well, your view sounds lovely... We sometimes get the odd steam train come past our house normally in December, they look so majestic!
Jackie 33

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Congratulations on the new DT place! Well done you.

Zoe #32

Princess Judy Palmer said...

That first photo had me lulled... and then you showed the mess and I had to chuckle. Well done! Congrats on your being chosen for a design team. How fun! Sometimes I think of moving across the room to the window but ultimately it is too cold over there in winter and too hot in summer and the sun is wicked--it will bleach paper and dry out stamps so maybe not.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Ooh, what railway is that then? Do they do driver experience days? I'm looking for a present for my eldest who will be 21 in April and who still loves trains!!
Congrats on the Graphit DT job..was your stuff on Create and Craft then? Ooh, can I have your autograph??
Hugs, LLJ 38 xx

lisa said...

Congrats on the new DT, Zoe, Your colouring is gorgeous so they are lucky to have you.
What a beautiful sunny desk you have this week.
Hugs Lisax #47

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Zoe, congratulations! Well deserved, your colouring skills are awesome. Your window view sounds amazing- steam trains! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #33 xx

Angie said...

Lovely bright space, so much going on. Makes me inspired!!
Thanks for the visit!
Angie #75

Susanne said...

Congrats on the DT. It is always nice to be appreciated for your work. I look forward to seeing more of your coloring. Glad I popped by. Susanne #66

Helen said...

For you, that IS quite a mess!! Hope your new radio is a good companion to you - I need a new one for the kitchen, Happy WOYWW Helen 23

Lea.H said...

nice to see someone else uses the colour charts, i always lose mine though and have to start a new one every time i get a new pen! Lx

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new DT spot, look forward to seeing your creations. Love Alison xx

Sharon Madson said...

Congratulations o making the design team! Love your space and your view sounds wonderful! Thanks for comments on my blog. 45

Beverley Baird said...

Such a lovely place to create! So organized!

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Zoe ... busy, busy, busy, lots going on this week. How fabulous to look out of the window and see the steam trains.
have a great week.
ps the bit I didn't photo with erin was when she unscrewed a pot of paint and tipped it all over the desk.... bless !!!

Lisa-Jane said...

I love seeing your colouring! Congrats on the new DT post! #35

okienurse said...

Great looking desk and I wish mine had a view...I wish I just had a window! I am glad you understand my word of the year...not just acceptance of my art but of issues in my life and health. Four doctors visits and xrays, MRI, and lab and not a single idea what is going on with me this month! Ups and downs! Thanks for visiting my desk. Little late getting around this week but hey it is better then never making it to the party! Hope you have a crafty week! Vickie aka Okienurse #53

Unknown said...

Lovely desk and a bit of sun too, lucky you. Thank you for visiting. Karen #49

Artyjen said...

How lovley to sit in the sun (when it's out!! LOL) and colour. Congrats on the design team appointment ;)
xoxo Sioux