
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Hello Wednesday and hello everyone!!

Boy did I enjoy our WOYWW crop on Saturday, so lovely to see everyone again and to meet a few new faces too.

I've had to have a few quiet days, was so tired Sun, I was wobbly & had a fall Monday, but fell on the loo so I didn't fall too far, then yesterday my neck was in spasms! BUT it was all worth it to have such a lovely fun, food, hug filled day with a spot of crafting thrown in too!! If you want to see my photos of the day you can HERE.

Right my desk, now to be fair I feel it is a mess, well for me it is, but I resisted tidying and took it as is -

The right side is very messy, untidy and needs sorting!

It's less messy in front of the window as this is where I work. I'm in the middle of making a card and have some DT projects to make so there are a few pens laying around and stamps too.

In our fab goody bags that we were given on Saturday, there was a bag of stash with the instruction to make then post. So this is my card. I cut the paper into squares that about 4.5 cm then I went around them with a black pen. I arranged them onto the 6 x 4 card blank. I stuck them using glue gel and raised some higher than others. Once dry I popped some black Card Candi onto the script squares. That's it. Simple. 

Thanks again to Julia and Jan for such a fab day, and to carry on the desk dashing (gaining inspiration) tradition pop over to the Stamping Ground to link up, join in and desk dash away!

Take care Zo xx


Helen said...

Glad to see you've done (or are doing) your card challenge too - yours is the only other one I've seen so far, lol!! Have a good day. Helen, 5

Joanne said...

Just look at that Copic stash. Wonderful card and so glad the crop went well. Lovely memories for you.

jill said...

Lovely Card would be just right for a man. Happy woyww jill #82

Anonymous said...

Tee hee While tidying up I found (complete and untouched) the kits from LAST year's WOYWW crop. You did much better and I love the card - but then I am a total sucker for text....

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (10)

Hettie said...

Hia. Yes it was a grand day. Sorry to hear you have been suffering since. Glad you did not fall OFF the that would have been funny!
I have not touched my goodie bag other than to pop the tissue pocket in my bag. My other one is now in the wash as it has been in my bag for years!

Anonymous said...

Loved your recap of the crop Zoe, hope you're feeling better now and have rested. Nice to see your desk again, I haven't visited for a while. Loved the atc's you made, great colouring.

Brenda 96

ria gall said...

Hi Zo
So sorry to hear you have not been too good and that you had a fall I do hope things are improving.
Your desk is looking really creative to me it is just waiting for you to sit at it and some crafting will happen
Wishing you a very happy WOYWW and hope you have a great week
Ria #39

shazsilverwolf said...

Haven't started my homework yet, lol, I'll get to it at the weekend, honestly.Hope you are feeling better, it was lovely to meet you, and Debs, in fact everyone. Looking forward to the next time, Have a great week, Hugs Shaz xx #33

Deb's Pen Pot said...

Not messy at all, just busy - after all, we discovered I'm messy when sitting down at a desk on Saturday! Fab homework card - I love it! I've managed 600 words today but it's being a bit difficult, so hving a break. Speak soon lots of love xxx

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

It was lovely to meet you on Saturday. I passed on your tip about the Youtube videos to my daughter. I'd totally forgotten about the little card kit and also the chocolate buttons! Thanks for the reminder xx

Fiona #117

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a fun day but sorry to hear about your aches and pains. Get better soon xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Blinking heck, missus..I hope you're not too badly shook up by the fall...goodness me, you've got to take care..that's an order!
Nice shot of your desk today....loving the slightly messy quality...and your homework card is looking good too! You take care!!
Hugs, LLJ xxxx

Daniella said...

I've seen pictures of the crop on a few blogs and it was so fun to see the faces of the people I visit every week!! I'm glad you had a wonderful time, and your card is awesome!!!
I'm sorry you had a rough recovery after overdoing it at the crop. That is not fun at all. But, I know I would have done the same!!
Feel better!!

SandeeNC said...

Boy, who knew crops had such a dangerous side effect? lol Hope you are all recovered now though! waving hi from the rainy hills of North Carolina ♥ #12

The Taming of the Glue said...

Hope you're feeling better now. The crop sounds great fun, wish I could have gone. I have pen storage envy! Happy (late) WOYWW.

scrappymo! said...

Take care Zoe and don't do too much this week. i think you need a nice heated grain bag neck rool, and an easy chair with your feet up for the rest of the week!

Your crop card kit looks great!

Minxy said...

At first glance I thought the card was a draw unit lol Looks cool.
Hope you're feeling a bit better after your resting xo
Thanks for visiting
Happy belated WoYwW
Hugz Minxy #58

Artatag said...

Your collection of markers makes me jealous every time I see it! And your card is just great!
Gabriele 58

KatzElbows said...

It was so lovely to meet you on Saturday. It was such a great day, the perfect end to my holiday. Your card is so cool. I gave it a go and wish I'd had the courage to leave mine as simply elegant as yours.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Love Rachel #29

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a fab time and hope you're feeling better soon. Thanks for sharing and Happy Woyww Liz@135

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi again Zoe, I see you liked Kyla's embellishments as much as I did. I've just put up a post on making your own super-cheap moulds, using silicone caulking, it works a treat! Hugs, Shaz xx

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Zo
hope you are feeling better now, it was a fab day and great to see you again, well done on the homework I will try and do mine at the weekend. love the messy desk this week
janet #26

April said...

Sorry to hear you fell. I hope you heal quickly. The crop looks like it was such fun. April #137

Debs Willis said...

Hi Zo, I was shattered too, but managed to avoid falling in the toilet lol! Hope youre ok now.
Great to meet you and amazed you've already done your homework - I must try harder :-0
Debs #74

Darnell said...

What a fun card, Zo!! I'm delighted that you were part of the WOYWWer cropping group - what a riot - but I'm sorry to hear that you paid a dear price for all that frivolity!

Enjoy the rest of the week and take good care of yourself! I'm just popping in to visit this week, so no no. for me. xxoo Darnell