
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Hello desk-hoppers and all!

Finally got to sit down to post, had to take my car for its service this morning, then we popped up to mum & dad's to see my niece who's birthday it is today. So it's been all go here.

Time to relax now with my coffee and share my desk, please pop over to Julia's Stamping Ground to follow the fun and display your desks for the world to see. Right here's mine -

So the left side under the window, I finally sorted all the stamps that were piled in the window sill so it's all tidy now, my usual tools are at the end of the desk. The 2 cards I've made for my dad as it's his birthday on Friday are sat there waiting envelopes and then there's my mini Smash book which is now my colouring inspiration - that is any images I colour that I love too much to use else where will go in here for me to look back at. 

Looking to the right there's the laptop I'm sorting out and updating, my ever present radio and Cuttlebug and my ever growing pen collection!

Close up of main desk area - those cards and book.

So that's me this week. Not much changes really only what's on the main working area. Right I'm going to be popping by as many desks as I can today and during the rest of the week.

Keep crafting!
Take care Zo xx


Helen said...

Glad you made it!! Sounds like you've already had a busy day.... Helen, 2

Jackie said...

What a busy morning you have had.... Sounds like you need that cuppa and a sit down
Well done on clearing away your stamps ... I'm having a clearing up day as off to a crafty friends for the weekend
Thanks for visiting my desk
Jackie 3

Eliza said...

I love your card, very classy. Like me you have a fantastic view from your window, I so love looking out at the world and creating, although your space is neat and tidy, it needs messing up. LOL

Eliza 13

Ann B said...

Great male card, your Dad will love it. Like the smash book as well, even if I'm not too sure what a smash book is!
Thanks for visiting.
Ann B

Heathers Inspiration said...

Great smash book, lots of lovely projects going on :0)
Happy WOYWW Heather # 62

ria gall said...

a lovely tidy workspace and the cards are really lovely as is your great book
Happy WOYWW I hope you have a great day
Ria #47

Marit said...

Wow, I love your pen area... oh yes, as an art journaler I'm a sucker for all kinds of pens, just cannot get enough of them! Enjoy the smash book, great idea to put your most loved coloured images in there! Love from Holland, Marit #89

Carole said...

What a wonderful collection of pens. Lovely smash book. Be well and craft on! #101

Winnie said...

Hi Zoe! Thanks for the visit! I am loving your smash book! I have not tried that yet. I see you love to write in it and that is just great. The card is lovely next to it. I am drooling ove your copic collection. I only have a handful of them and don't know how to use them properly, so I am reading up on it currently. Enjoy the day! Winnie#79

Gibby Frogett said...

Fabulous desk and cards and love that smash book..Happy WOYWW Gill x #64

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Your workspace looks all neat and ready for you. Love the radio x
Fiona #88

scrappymo! said...

Lotas of hard work going on there...two cards finished and a great looking smash book! I am impressed! Your cards are stunning the way you have embossed the images to make them stand out like that!
The top one has a great masculine feel!

Claudia N. said...

Wow, what a well organized crafting space!!! And you have your PC nearby. (Always have to run from one room to another when I want to follow a tutorial from the internet ;)

Happy WW!

die amelie x

Anonymous said...

I love nothing better than a clear space to work, but I think you've seen my desk today so you know I am not as tidy as you! Love the card - it grabbed my attention right off. Enjoy your cuppa and desk hopping!

MA (38)

crafty....du said...

Lush work space and great cards thanks for sharing

Kerry @ 35

lisa said...

Sounds like you've been busy, Zoe. We have the forecast snow so we are confined to home now. Great for desk hopping though!!
Your cards look lovely. I recognise that big sentiment stamp!!!
Hugs Lisax #66

Daniella said...

Always so tidy you are!!! I love the look of that book!! Is it a journal? Your card is beautiful too!

SandeeNC said...

I hope your Dad has a wonderful birthday.Love te window space now, so nice t get things organized. I do think the computer picture is the same from last week, HA! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and say hi, it's always appreciated! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

JoZart Designs said...

Tidy desk of the week up to now but were you really swinging on the chandelier taking those pics and how on earth did you manage it?
love Jo x

susibee said...

The card for your Dad looks lovely and so does your tidy desk. Maybe you'd like to tidy mine please?

Happy WOYWW Susi#73

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Zoe
you are looking very tidy again, like you are between projects!
Love the card for your dad, hope he has a good day... I miss mine:(
Have a lovely week
janet #15

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Zo, thanks for visiting. I'm a little late myself as we had a bit of drama today - daughter fainted at work and had to be collected. All fine now, think she just needs to eat a bit better. Your cards look lovely and everything is nice organised - I do love a tidy desk but sedome have one. Have a good week, hugs Cindy

Alison Scott said...

Happy birthday for your Dad. The cards look fabulous. I love the idea of keeping your favourite coloured images - good for inspiration.
Alison #76

okienurse said...

great looking workspace Zoe. Love all the bright light! Your Dad will love his card! Thanks for stopping by my desk this week and leaving a comment! Have a great week. Vickie #17

Barb King said...

Everything looks nice and neat! Barb #101

Tracy said...

I have pen envy! My husband recently bought the 72 set of Copics for me and I use them all the time.
Tracy #39

Nan G said...

Another lucky lady with a big beautiful window by her desk! Great looking cards. Happy WOYWW! Nan 5

Sunshine Girl said...

Oooh very nice and tidy - I like the way you keep your favourite colourings in a book - mine are on tags on a bookring but I think its time for a change so I might put mine in a book too! Thanks for visiting me :)

Caro said...

Gorgeous card and nice idea for the mini smash book. I have to confess to being envious of your pens..they look so pretty all together like that. Thanks for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW! Caro #65

Anonymous said...

Hi Zo what a tidy desk you have mine is in a right mess at the moment. Need to have a tidy up. Love Alison xx

Darnell said...

Love your book, Zo, and your cards are really fabulous!! Your area is tidy and inviting! Thanks for visiting me earlier! Have a fantastic week! Darnell #46

April said...

I enjoyed seeing the artwork in your journal. I like your pen storage, too. April #119

Julia Dunnit said...

The quality of your colouring I'm surprised you can ever part with any of the images! Like your GB radio!

Joynana said...

Wonderful journal page and the cards are fab. Sorry for the lateness of this visit. But, I have been celebrating my birthday all week and it is just coming to an end. #83

Cardarian said...

Sorry I am soo late commenting - I think I lost a few days! Your journal page is lovely and so are your cards! I want that GB radio!!!! :-)
Lots of hugs,