
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


Thought I'd better join in the wonder that is WOYWW - Julia's desk sharing phenomenon so here's my desk today - 
So the right side - pens and bits and bobs I'm using a lot at the moment.

The pens I'm working with.

Image I'm playing around with.

Some new pens. Different markers I've not tried.

The beautiful view from my craft room window. I'm so lucky to be able to see fields from every window in my house. It's beautiful out there so I'm going outside soon to read for a while!

I'm counting down the days till the WOYWW crop on 16th May. Looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating my 40th birthday with you all. My birthday is on the 14th! I'm going to bring a special birthday cake with me for us all.

That's me. Take care Zo xx


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I'm enjoying the sunshine, while I eat my lunch and have a mooch around the deskers. Looking forward to catching up and celebrating with you very soon.

Fiona #27

Peggy Lin said...

The beautiful view at your window Happy WOYWW xxoo

Peggy #46

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

That marker holder just amazes me everytime! Have fun at the gathering and happy birthday soon :) Shel@PaperOctilloStudio #54

Helen said...

your view from the window is wonderful! looking forward to the cake already!! Helen 5

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

So Many markers! Wait till you start using those Chameleons, bet you wont be able to stop, they are amazing and you need so few to get loads of tones. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 30

Anonymous said...

Oh Zoe.
Love your pen storage .... It gets bigger every time I visit exciting you will be celebrating your birthday at the crop.. Really looking forward to the crop ...... Been making my ATCs this week.
Janet @8 thanks for visiting me already

Unknown said...

So much inky goodness. I love the view but I think I would do more daydreaming as I looked out than crafting. Wish I could be their to share in your special birthday! Diane #28

Anonymous said...

Looking like ATC work to me.... wanna swap at the crop? :)

Hope you make it! I've been trying to get to a crop since the beginning of the year and still haven;t managed it but am determined to make the WOYWW one!

Happy day after WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hey there ZO! Sorry I'm late getting back to you, it's been a mad few days. I'm loving the gorgeous view out of your craft window, how amazing to have that for inspiration. I'm really looking forward to seeing you at the crop too - I'm making two more hooters at the moment, so will have a bit more fundraising dosh for you :-)
Hugs, LLJ 13 xx

Angela said...

Hi Zo, your pen collection is so impressive! That's a lovely image you're working on. Are your new pens the Chameleons? I've been considering ordering some. The view outside your window is very picturesque. I hope you got to spend some time in your sunny garden yesterday. Sending birthday wishes for your special big day. I'm not able to make the crop so I'll be missing out on yummy cake :( !!
Wishing you a lovely week ahead :)

Take care

Angela x
Angel Greetings #36

Julia Dunnit said...

Your views are lovely, and the sunshine just makes them better, for sure. The sun on your desk looks lovely. As, as usual, do the images you're 'playing' with. Looking forward to seeing you soon girly.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Zoe, how beautiful to be able to see so much greenery from your windows. Makes you feel good, I agree. Looking forward to the crop- and now there's birthday cake too! lol. Running late this week, it sort of ran away from me,lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz# 11 xx