
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Well good evening desk dashers!

I have been missing for a couple of weeks, through my conditions flaring and pushing pain limits that tad higher than norm, to just no time what with trying to catch up on life when my body allows me to be normal and go to the bank and buy Christmas presents!

So my desk - 
Normal, pile of digi images to colour with pens, radio and Ebosser present. The purple board is to make envelopes because I never make cards to fit normal sized envelopes so have to make them!

More images to colour. I'm so predictable!!

That's it - pop over the Julia's WOYWW post to find desks much more interesting than mine!!

I'm later today than normal because I was having this done earlier - 
Me, in a hairdressers, having colour put in my hair! Shock. I usually colour it myself and only have it done professionally about once a year!!

I will share the after pics when I have time and the right light to show it properly! But basically I had high and low lights put in to break up the main colour.

Take care Zo xx


Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I was looking out for you today. Glad to see you name pop up :o) I've not joined it for a while, because I just didn't have the time to return the comments! I'll let you into a secret. I had my hair cut for my niece's 18th party and haven't been since. She'll be 20 next week!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You're a brave girl putting on your Foil Head photo!! Hope you had a lovely time in the the hairdresser...I love going, it's a great treat for me. If I won the Lottery, I'd go every week!!
Sorry you've been poorly, gal...fingers crossed that things improve!!
Hugs, LLJ 43 xx

Anonymous said...

Zoe sorry to hear about your flare ups know what you are talking about mine flared badly yesterday and I actually fell asleep at the computer whilst blogging the Fibro Fog certainly got hold of me yesterday. So take care and listen to your body honey no good trying to push it as the pain just gets worse. Loving your desk so much tidier than mine lol. Take care honey love Alison xxxx

Jackie said...

Sorry to hear you have not been to well
Look forward to seeing the hair when it's out of foils
Jackie 40

Super Stamp Girl said...

Hi Zoe, is it weird that the ONLY thing I can see in your photos is your beautiful display of markers. I'm not sure if they are Copics or not, but I can see you do some beautiful digital coloring! I haven't dabbled in digiprints yet myself, my to-do list is always challenged by time - and of course $$! Happy WOYWW!

Kate said...

Looking forward to seeing the after pics. What a good idea to treat yourself to a new hairdo after you've had such a bad couple of weeks. Hope you're feeling more yourself now.


Helen said...

Morning - hope to see the new you soon! what a! Helen 24

Angie said...

Cute images! Love that view!
Angie #77

okienurse said...

Nice neat desk! Love the images. I am with you on getting my hair done...usually do it myself except for a clip about every 6 weeks. Take care and don't over do. I think this time of year and the weather conspire against those of us with disabilities! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Vickie #62

okienurse said...

Zo just saw you commented on my Fibro blog also. I think my no gluten, limited dairy, no sweetners, and no processed meat has helped me a lot. If you send me your email address I can email you some information that might help the transistion if you really are considering gluten free. Vickie

Darnell said...

You took a very nice "selfie," Zo! I hope your hair turned out like you wanted! I'm sorry to hear that you are having a flair and I hope it subsides soon. I also notice Vickie's comment above. I'm going gluten-free after the new year and I'm anxious to see what affect that will have. Happy WOYWW and thanks for the visit to me! I hope you have a better week! Hugs, Darnell #22

Nan G said...

Having your hair always perked me up when my body wasn't cooperating. :) Hope you've perked up too. I've seen quite a few enossers in desk pics this week. Shame I have to sell mines WOYWW hugs! Nan G #69

fairy thoughts said...

glad to see you back Zoe I was wandering how you were. Glad you are feeling well enough to make some cards. your hair looks quite a work of art in itself

Neesie said...

How trendy are you...a selfie eh? ;D
I'm jealous because I really need to have my hair sorted. Not sure I'll fit it in before Santa arrives though. I just hope I don't frighten him with how it looks just now because it's truly scary.
It's great to see you in the WOYWW gang once again...I haven't played for months.
Enjoy your Sunday and let's hope that we have a great week ahead.