
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


I was supposed to start this post with Good Morning, but I can't, my desk-a-dashing friends, because it's now the afternoon.

Keagan didn't go to school today, he's feeling a little unwell, lots of it about, so once the phone call to school was done, yours truly thought, I'll just have another half an hour............

Yep you got me! That half an hour lasted for nearly 2 so by the time I got up and managed to shower it has now past noon! 

Okay enough talk - dap over to Julia Dunnit's for the discovery of desks, link up & off you go.

Thankfully I took photos last night before I went to bed because, as I do I tidied up and my desk is now empty and that would be boring. I've acquired a reputation of being 'one of those tidy crafter's' and now I know why, I keep sharing photos that I take first thing therefore my desk is always tidy!

Fear not, here is the WIP proof - 
Okay so usual suspects, plus my Project Life card box open, there a A4 pic of me and Keagan on the wall taken at my Graduation back in 2010. I found it behind another photo when I changed out pictures.

So Ottlite fully functioning showing up my PL album with lots of photos.

Shelves looking colourful!

Closer view shows old photos. These are actually photos of photos cos the originals are still in mum's album which she kindly let me borrow. (Yes she used corners and not stuck them in!) The baby/little girl is me! I've decided, after watching Sunday Scrappers show on Create & Craft on Sunday, that I will use this PL album to make a record of my life for Keagan plus by doing it now I can still, thankfully, ask my parents about who/what/where etc though mum has kindly written some details into the album!

So there you go, a longer post than planned but I'm sure you'll forgive me.

I do hope those affected by the recent events in the Philippines soon receive the help they dearly need. It's always difficult to imagine what it must be like, I just can't get my head around it to be honest.

Thanking you all for the kind comments last week following my fall, I'm okay now, last week was a bad one, but it's gone so we move on and it really isn't a big deal when you see what others are going through.

Take care Zo xx


Robin said...

Wow Zo, I am so wowed by your collection of markers! Hope you have a much better week! Hugs, Robin 80

shazsilverwolf said...

I agree with what you said about comparing to how others are struggling- thats how to view it, isn't it? Love the photos, my Mum has albums full of really old photos- they all used photo corners back then, didn't they.Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #21 xx

Jackie said...

Hope your feeling better after last weeks fall
Nice photo you found behind the other one
Project life looks great
Jackie 15

Unknown said...

WOW is the first thing I have to say.. I seen all those markers and was in shock.. how awesome to have them all to play with! :-) I hope he is feeling better soon and you dont get it, and thanks so much for shairing your space with every one. Bright blessing to you and yours. Roberta 68

Angie said...

Haha, you suffer from clean before craft too! So good to know I'm not alone in that, my desk always looks neat and I know people think I must not be doing much of anything, but I just always clean in between! Plus with two cats leaving out bits, baubles and ribbon is asking for trouble!
Angie #89

Unknown said...

So much going on. Loving it!
The Craft Donkey

Anonymous said...

Hi Zoe good for you having a lie in don't blame you it does you the power of good every now and again. Love your desk and glad to know I am not the only untidy one around, although I do clear up before I go to bed as I hate to see it all untidy when I first get up. love Alison xx

Anonymous said...

This time of year an OTT light seems like a must have. Sometimes I look at a project in daylight and thing "What made me think those colours went together??" LOL!
Sorry you took a tumble and hope you are on the mend!

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (20)

Helen said...

So you do have stuff out sometimes... lol! Take care, Helen 17

Debs Willis said...

Hi Zo, glad you're a bit better after your fall. Haven't quite decided about 'Project Life', so would love to hear how it goes & see progress pics
Debs #78

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Zo - well done you for having a lay in - I never feel guilty these days it's so rare. Watched some of those project life shows and think I get it now - in fact I was very tempted as the sum of my scrapbooking in the last 10 years has been 1/2 an album of the year when I was 50 (will soon be time for the next milestone lol) and another 8 x 8 of my party. I am obviously not really cut out for fancy scrapbooking no matter how many mouthwatering books and magazines I look at. Good luck with your album and hope Keagan gets better soon and sorry to hear you had a fall - I was AWOL last week so must have missed it. Hugs Cindy x

fairy thoughts said...

hey zo good to see some mess on your desk this week ... it means you have been working .... good tip about the album I keep intending to do one for erin
janet #38

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Glad you recovered from your fall. It is so interesting to see your desk in work mode. I also watched the PL show and so nearly got the credit card out! Decided to keep to my aim of mainly digitally crafting and found that it is all available to download. Seems to be a fun and easy way of memory keeping. Ali x #73

Hettie said...

Gorgeous photos Zoe. You are so lucky, Mum took lots of films to Boots when I was about 3 and they lost them all. My father at the time was a semi professional photographer who had his own dark room, but never had time to do them! Ho Hum!

Cardarian said...

Oh you have a good collection of photos so I am sure something lovely for Keagan will come out! I have made a small thing for my daughter last year for her birthday but I intend to make a big project for her 30th birthday which is in 2 years so I have loads of time! :-)
Lots of hugs,

JoZart Designs said...

Great snoop around your space. It's good to have a lie in and, let's face it, you need and deserve one now and then. Better still when it's unexpected!
Tanke care,
Jo x

Kyla said...

Hi hun, ooh I saw these on the telly too and nearly bought it (from hubby for Christmas)-looks like a much quicker way of scrapping all those photos i am sure we all have stashed away (and much less stress!).

Glad you are on the mend and hope Keegan is too.
If you PM me on FB with your addy I will make another Tardis for you and pop it in the post.

Daniella said...

It still looks tidy to me! I bought a project life set too! Can't wait to see how your layout comes out!!