
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Well I'm here! Just. Had a fall last night you see. So I had to lie in, had to, against my will, I really wanted to get up and get on with things. Honest! 

But do not fear desk dashers (pop to the home of WOYWW to join in), I'm ok. Sore. But ok and in one piece. 

I did manage to take photos of my untidy desk, yes untidy, well to me anyway - 

Right side - pens of course, but I thought I'd show what's in front, lots of boxes and that black handle is my grabber so I can pick things up off floor!

Pile of pens, card, papers & stuff!


More WIP

My altered Embossing box. I covered Keagan's footy boots box with pretty papers and added the bow. It now holds all my embossing folders and the plates/boards for my Ebosser!!

So that's me. Coffee in hand. I've already had my neighbour pop round to check I'm okay having seen about my fall on FB! 
Take care Zo xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh Zo, I really hope you're ok. Falling is bad enough anyway but I know that it must really hurt your body :-( It's nice to see your crafting stuff anyway but I hope you have a quiet day getting better.
Hugs, LLJ 58 xx

Carole said...

I love your altered embossing folder box...I hope this finds you feeling better...working out the kinks...remembering to be careful and feeling well enough to play. Be well Carole # 72

Eliza said...

Ok dont laugh but I have 3 of those picker up things in my art room and they are all within reach to be used they are the best thing ever, especially if things get into the bay window from the cat knocking them off the desk. LOL

Great idea for the ebosser plates and folders I will have to show you mine one day.

Thanks for sharing.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 1

Morti said...

Yo Zo!

Glad you're ok, if battered and bruised - saw your post on FB so naturally had to toddle on over and wish you better with gentle hugs....

I miss crafting - I don't know where the time goes these days but I don't seem to get anything done. That's all changing but now it's about earning money and not about doing fun stuff. Ho hum....

Catch you around!

famfa said...

Hope you are recovering well. Poor you
Famfa 11

Mrs.D said...

Zoe, do take care and hope you are feeling better soon.
I like your box for your embossing folders, I can never find the right size boxes to decorate, but that is pretty.
Chris #65

Lindart said...

So sorry to hear about your fall, hope you are OK! are you doing Project Life? It looks like it on your table! Thanks for the peek of your wonderfully creative space!
Lindart #87

Kyla said...

Oh thats a lot of WIP. Love the repurposed boot much prettier :-)

Thanks for visiting my desk already
kyla #62

shazsilverwolf said...

Oh, Zoe, poor you! Hope you are getting some rest & starting to feel better. Must have been quite painful for you. I agree about Pinterest- I have umpteen boards of 'Inspiration'- still at least I don't have to dust 'em, lol!Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #28 xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Falling is no good, you can really jar yourself up doing that. I hope you get up and at them again soon. Don't over do it though. Isn't that how it goes though, where when you *have* to lie in you don't want to but on the days you want to you can't because far too much to do. Thanks for the shots of your messy desk. I was pleased to see that you stack beside and under the desk too. Woot! I'm glad I'm in good company.... although I've been better about giving my feet space.

Anonymous said...

OMG Zoe are you ok hate falling over it leaves you all shook up. Your desk is not up to your usual tidy mine looks very clear compared to yours for once. Lol. Take care love Alison xx

Anonymous said...

Oh I do like your box. Very nice storage - so nice when it's functional and pretty :) Seems funny to say "Sorry you had to have a lie-in" but hope you feel better!

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (23)

fairy thoughts said...

Sorry to hear you took a tumble, but glad you are ok.... rest as much as you can.
I don't think I have seen so much stuff in use on your desk, so you must have been having fun
take care now
janet #38

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW and hope you are not too bruised this evening. I have one of those grabbers. It was invaluable when my hip flared up. Your productivity puts me to shame. It takes me ages to do anything. Ali x #55

Anonymous said...

Great collection of art supplies. I love that display for the pens. And I would like to see the finished page!
Gabriele 71

The Taming of the Glue said...

Hope you're OK and no lasting damage. Love your storage box, it's always such a shame to throw a decent box away! Hugs. Pam#37

Robin said...

Hi Zo! So sorry to hear you had a fall...those are never good, although glad to know you are only sore and not anything worse. Love your storage box. Its so cute with the darling bow and all. I also have one of those picker-uppers. They sure do come in handy. Someday I will have a pen storage like yours and all filled up! Please take good care of yourself and have a wonderful week, Hugs, Rasz #102

Daniella said...

I am glad you are OK! It isn't fun taking a fall. But at least you still get to come to the party!!
Feel better!

Angie said...

Don't feel bad, I tripped over the hose at the gas station a few weeks ago. Banged the knee up to a pretty green-purple hue. Still sore a bit. Lovely idea on the folder holder. Take it easy and feel better!
Angie #80

Mary said... be careful! Falling is never fun, and tis the season to stay on tour feet! Your desk is so organized, great idea to reporpose the box and it's so darn cute!

Helen said...

It's taken me so long to get here that I am sure you're over your fall ! I love seeing stuff on your desk, out being used like the rest of us, instead of your normally impressively tidy desk!! Have a great weekend. Helen 7