
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Well this is fun! I mean, actually having to sit and type up a post that doesn't need scheduling!! That's what I've done this week, scheduled 3 posts. A new record for me.

Anyway desk, Zoe, desk.  Why am I rambling about a desk? Well pop over to Julia's WOYWW to see what it's all about and join in.

I've caught my desk in transition, note no pens on desk or colouring to be seen, gulp, that doesn't feel right to me. Though there are things to see - 

Right side - there's my Paris Smash book. While it was 2011 when I last went I've not gotten far with capturing this adventure in its designated smash book. Last night while listening to Bristol Rovers commentary (don't ask, we lost......again!) I created a double page spread. Then behind the book is a mahoosive bottle of collall glue. Yep it's new & it means I can decant into my smaller bottles. By that is a pot of gliding wax. Not my usual thing but it looked lush and I needed it. You understand.

Window side, mostly empty other than the usual stuff that stays on there. You can also see the very wet road outside. I've also realised how dirty my window is, finger marks!! (Off to find cleaner & cloth).

So that's me; coffee needed today & new ears would be good. I can't hear you see. Been using drops so it's getting better but can you all shout otherwise I may miss you!
Take care Zo xx

(ps check out my new profile pic - me with 2 handsome men. Yes I am that little, for those that don't know. The men, well they are my favourite Rovers players of course!)


Francesca said...

Love your stash of pens neatly in their racks. Who cares about fingermarks on window, I certainly don't. Have a good day. Francesca #66

jill said...

A lovely crafting space & a good sign in your room. Happy woyww jill #39

Anonymous said...

Such a tidy desk mine looks like a bomb has been dropped on it, off to tidy it all up now after seeing yours. Love Alison xxx

Angie said...

I personally think doing the book when the holiday is taking place is boring. It's much more fun to do it later, go over the pictures and recall what a great time you had! Thanks for sharing and for being an early bird to my blog!
Angie #85

Jackie said...

I see another wet day.. However when your inside in the warm crafting it doesn't matter to much! Thanks for the visit already
Jackie 42

lisa said...

I'm shouting, Zoe can you hear me???
Your desk looks full of nice things to play with, that's one huge jar of glue!!!
I wouldn't worry about your windows, there's always another day for housework.
Hugs Lisax #56

Lisa said...

Hi Zo, I'm near enough to you so you should be able to hear me lol... great desk as always and love your pen storage and those gilding waxes... mmm-mm they are so addictive! trust me lol
off to check out your prof pic now

Lisa said...

Nice pic ;) not a footy fan more of a RU girl and I see we have Fibro in common too :( I was only diagnosed in Aug after 2 years of visits to my gp and 3 referrals to Frenchay (diff dept.) keep warm and I love your radio too!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I like the picture of you between your two hunks!! No wonder you're grinning ;-)
Looks like you're having as much rain as we've had. Driving to band practise last night was 'fun'......actually more like scary!!
Hugs, LLJ 7 xx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Zoe, your windows comment made me laugh! I always think that if I cleaned mine more often, I'd probably get at least an extra hours daylight, lol. I aim for one simple batch set of cards for all the work colleagues/ acquaintances, then I try and do different ones for family, I get bored after 20 or more of one design! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #34 xx

Debs Willis said...

Ooh made me think about cleaning cat paw marks off patio door - for a nano-second lol!!!
Strange to see no pens out on your desk but they look do inviting in that rack :-)
Happy woyww
Debs #81

Helen said...

shouting hello and great desk... hope the ears get better soon... helen 20

My name is Cindy said...

HELLO ZOE, HOPE YOU CAN HEAR BETTER SOON 'COS I'M GETTING A SORE THROAT..LOL only joking! Gilding wax is lush when I watch other people use it but I always seem to end up in a big mess. Good job I like a grungy style! I don't feel so bad about my unscrapped 2012 Paris trip now! Thanks for the visit and sorry about your team losing :0(, still the hunks are a consolation surely? Happy WOYWW Cindy

fairy thoughts said...

hi zoe
I'm shocked, no pens? but I do understand about the guilding wax I have just had some black for my birthday .... very lush (I did choose it myself, handyman doesn't really understand these things)
why waste valuable crafting time cleaning the windows they'll only get dirty again
janet #41

Darnell said...

I noticed the new profile picture straight away, Zoe! I mean, hello!! Two hunka hunks - aren't you the lucky girl?!! Fun post as always! I hope your ear drops do the trick and you get your hearing back soon. Happy WOYWW! Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by to visit me! Darnell #12

Eliza said...

What an incredible copic collection you have, so impressive and your desk in neat and clean. thanks for sharing.

Eliza & Yoda 13
Belated WOYWW

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I expect by now you have got lots of lovely colouring going on. I ran out of time last night commenting on blog posts, so having a 2nd go today. Should be sorting out laundry! Ali x #49

The Taming of the Glue said...

Love Gilding Wax...I'm a bit addicted! You have my sympathy over the result...I understand your pain as I support Crystal Palace! Hugs. Pam#38

glitterandglue said...

Oh Zoe, so neat and tidy...Sorry - realise I must shout for you...OH ZOE, SO NEAT AND TIDY!!! Hope you haven't spent all your time cleaning the window, and did something to make that lovely neat desk feel lived in...
Have a great week.
Margaret #64

Cardarian said...

I am so late coming back to you! I don't know where the week went! I love your coloring I looked at all the latest post sooo lovely! Sorry your team lost! Eh still it isn't the end of the world they will win again!
Lots of hugs,