
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Morning  -  a quick hello & share cos I've lots of DT colouring to do!
I'm loving what I'm doing of late and any excuse to colour is good.

Right dash over to Julia's Stamping Ground to join in and start your desk dashing tour across the world.

Okay rather than show you the usual pens/radio/pile of stamps cos tbh there isn't any change, my desk this morning is empty of anything going on apart from these that I set up and photographed and you guys are going to see the unedited/uncropped/as they are version cos that's what's on my desk - 

Yep Christmas cards again, this time using gorgeous stamps from Stampin'Up. I took these using my phone cos I've discovered the joys of using Dropbox. Take pics on phone, add to dropbox on said phone, then cos I've got Dropbox on puter, pictures magically appear on puter without me connecting any leads! Obviously this kind of thing has existed for a while but I've just found it and I'm rather thrilled and excited by the prospect of it! That internet/wifi thing is pretty cool at times.

Right time to drink my coffee and get colouring! See you all later.
Take care Zo xx


Uniflame said...

Poinsiettas really are my favorite x-mas flowers :) Lovely! Uniflame - 75

Jackie said...

Seems lots are doing Christmas cards this week !!!
Lovely stamp your using and very festive!!!
Modern technology is great when it helps us isn't it
Jackie 40

Anonymous said...

Oh may that is so pretty! And that green seems so much nicer that the regular Christmas green, I love the colour - at least as it shows on MY monitor :)

I am determined to be early this week
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (27)

Cardarian said...

Oh your cards are soo pretty - I have done some Christmas cards but not much! I Better get on it as time flies!
Lots of hugs,

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Beautiful colouring. I take all my photos with my phone at the moment (keep saying I am going to learn to use hubby's 'proper' camera, but never get round to it!) and got a new one on order (Samsung Note, with a pen so I can draw on it etc). Dropbox is brilliant - must update mine. Ali x #45

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Zoe, funny you mentioning Dropbox, Hubby discovered it a few weeks ago, just as I discovered Evernote. Its exactly the same sort of thing, its ace, isn't it? Love your cards, still in awe of your colouring skills. Have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #31 xx

lisa said...

These are gorgeous, Zoe, love the purple one. My camera phone is rubbish but then my phone is very old so use my trusty camera!!
Thanks for visiting already.
Hugs Lisax #65

Daniella said...

First, I've missed you!! Second, your cards are AMAZING!! Third, how do I do this drop box thing! You say it has existed for a while, but I've never heard of it!! I have to find this!! thanks for the tip!!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Goodness but I love those flowers..the purplish one is gorgeous, especially with the soft toned backing. Yum yum :-)
Hope you've picked up after your tough weekend...
Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

sandysewin said...

I ADORE your purple poinsettias, I think all poinsettias should be that color. :-D

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #23

Unknown said...

That flower stamp is gorgeous. Love your cards. Thanks for sharing.
Karen busby no.57 x

Anonymous said...

beautiful poinsettias especially the purple one. Love Alison xxx

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Zoe
Oo I must get drop box on the laptop, I have it on my phone since the up date but didn't know exactly what it was..... now I know it could be easier although I take the card out of my camera and put it directly in the laptop. One thing can you turn the picture around? your gorgeous poinsettia is the sideways.
thanks for offering to look at my shop, please pass the link onto anyone you think may be interested, I don't know if I will even sell anything I just thought I would give it a try, but it is very time consuming.
happy wednesday
janet #15

Anonymous said...

Very pretty poinsiettas! Dropbox surely has it's benefits! And the camera of your phone seems very good, so that makes it ofcourse a very easy decision about what to use. No more cables!
Debbie #53

My name is Cindy said...

Lovely poinsettia stamp, thought it was Stampin' up as soon as I looked at it. My oh my, get you being all techy and geeky!! I'll stick with the leads for now I have enough trouble getting that to work (did manage to figure out the scanner the other day......) Happy WOYWW Cindy

Claire @ Gemini Nutrition said...

what beautiful poinsettias :)

hope your having a better week ??

claire #77

Kate said...

Great easel cards Zoe.


ria gall said...

Hi Zoe
those Christmas cards are beautiful I am loving the colours and the flowers really pretty.
I have dropbox on my phone but not a clue what it was for so perhaps I need to get my son to help me with that
Happy WOYWW and wishing you a great week
Ria #50

Helen said...

gorgeous cards, Zoe! Sorry I'm late getting round this week. Helen 20

Elizabeth said...

Hi Zoe, that poinsettia is a real wow of a stamp. The sentiment is a lovely one too. Call me a tech-idiot but I have absolutely no idea what Dropbox is, or whether I have it on my phone - must check it out :) Thanks for your earlier visit. Hope you have a good week. Elizabeth x #41

The Taming of the Glue said...

Gorgeous Poinsettia, love the cards. Sorry I'm so late visiting. Hugs. Pam#37

Stephie Boots said...

Love these!! They look fab in purple! xxx