
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

WOYWW 164 - did you miss me?!

Hello! Did you miss me? Really? Nah I don't expect so!

It feels ages ago when I last joined in, yet it was only the other week. You'll be pleased to know the new medication is actually helping some what, so I am having spells where I am feeling better. Yay for that!

Ok the desk, hmmm can't show you that cos it's got a DT project on it that's drying and I can't share it yet so I thought I'd show you all my shelves. I haven't shared them with you in a while and things have changed a lot.

You'll notice the blind is down, well that is to protect my pens and things from being scorched in the glorious sunshine that is streaming in. Ok very top you'll see 2 lovely heart hooks that have my Some Odd girl stamp hanging - I usually keep all my stamps on laminated sheets in folders but the packaging is so sweet I didn't want to throw it away so I decided to use them as a wall feature. I think Saturated Canary stamps will join them when I get my hands on some!

Top shelf is full of jars - full of buttons and wooden embellishments.

Then it's the Smash* Shelf, oh yeah I have quite a collection. The basket holds all my Smash* accessories and bit's and bobs I want to use in the books.

Then you get a glimpse of the desk and my Copic collection.

So there you go. That's mine, why not show us yours by popping over to Julia's and linking in with the world wide desk snoop/hop/nose!

Take care Zo xx


lisa said...

Lovely to see you again, Zoe and I'm glad you are feeling better.
I'm very envious of all that sunshine you have streaming in. None here in Yorkshire!!
Hugs Lisax 67

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW, and, yes, we have missed you! Glad your medication is having a positive effect. Tidy and pretty shelves. The colours of the Smash books are fab. I had a quick look to see what everyone was rabbiting on about - and definitely something I could see myself getting addicted to when I have some spare cash. Ali x #12

VonnyK said...

So wonderful to see that you have the glorious sunshine at last, hope it lasts for the Olympics. You have some really great goodies on those shelves and so many markers! Glad your new medication is helping you.
Have a great week.
Von #48

Laura said...

Glad you are feeling a little better. Hope you are feeling a LOT better soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Zo glad to hear your medication is starting to work and that you are having some good days. I too have not blogged for a while. Your craft room looks very tidy, mine is such a mess as I have half my daughters life stored in it at the moment. Love Alison xxx

emma mitchell said...

Hi Zoe You are always so neat and organised , I wish I could be more like this .
Love your copic collection and the smash* books .
Hugs Emma xx

Redanne said...

You are so tidy Zo, I do wish I could be so organised and tidy! I know what you mean about the packaging being lovely, I have a stamp which is a full 12" high, I would never ink it, it is up on my wall and I love it. Glad to hear your meds are giving you some good days. Happy WoYww, Anne x #21

Helen said...

yes, how are you always so tidy?! Glad you are feeling better for now. Helen 6

HeARTworks said...

What a neat and organized space! I don't have your genes! Patsy from
HeARTworks and

Unknown said...

Everything's so neat and tidy! Your button collection is still growing but you can hardly see it now with all you other lovely things!
I haven't taken part in WOYWW for a while because I wasn't able to visit anyone or leave comments so I thought it wasn't fair but I'm slowly getting back to blogging and will hopefully be back to WOYWW soon.


Jingle said...

You have some great organization ideas here!

Sandra Botham said...

Wow your work area looks awesome this week. love your pen collection such colour feast, love it.
Lots of smash going on there too.
Happy WOYWW. xx

mamapez5 said...

I love that collection of copics. I used to have mine beside me like that, but I decided they had to move under the desk, away from the harsh sunlight that floods in here in the sfternoons.
The bright 'Smash' folders would cheer up any room. It all looks like a lovely place to work. Kate #52

Mary Jo said...

I'm glad you are feeling better!
Love your Smash shelf :)
Mary Jo 96

Inkypinkycraft said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a it better, here's hoping it continues! You have a great collectionof smash books and wow lots of pens too!! Hve a great week, trace x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Look at your pens, they're so pretty all stacked up like that!! And please Zo, you've got to tell me...what on earth is a Smash embellishment?????
Glad you're feeling better, may the improvement continue!!
Hugs, LLJ #27 xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Thanks for the shot of your shelves. They are looking good, nicely organized and fun things within reach. You sure do have a lot of wooden embellishments! I just bought a little packet of them myself to try out. I see the appeal! Happy playing!

Darnell said...

That was a great tour of the other parts of your fab work space! So glad you are having a "good spell," rather than the other way round. Enjoy the sunshine and thanks for coming by to visit me earlier!

Have a great week! Darnell #116

Teresa said...

Yur craft room looks fab Zoe and I'm enjoying this gorgeous weather too, it really lifts you doesn't it. Take care of yourself. Hugs Teresa xx

Amy E said...

I DID miss you last week!! Oh I would love to dive in to your Smash* shelf!! I have a little bit of a Smashing addiction myself, although I haven't done it in a while.

Congrats on finding the badge this week!! I can't wait to see what's hiding on your desk!

Amy E. #14

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah Zo, great to see you, so glad the meds are being a help! Your Smash collection makes me envious, I must say! colours are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see the sun though Zo isn't it? Thought you might be crafting in the garden again. Glad to hear the medicine is kicking in, great new photo of you and your son in the blog header too.

Brenda 86

May said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a little better Zoe... what a fabulous smash collection.. your craft room is looking great.. Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#11

trisha too said...

As a matter of fact, I DID miss you! So glad to hear you are feeling a little better!!

#137 this week

Di said...

So pleased to hear you're feeling somewhat better Zo - keep taking the medication honey.

I'm late and it's now just into Thursday so belated Happy WOYWW! Di xx #13

Neesie said...

WE DID MISS YOU ZO! but so glad to hear that you're improving and feeling better.
How organised are you? I'm so impressed ;D
Everything in it's place and a place for everything! Perfect :D
Thanks for visiting me earlier and apologies for being late with my visit.
Happy Belated WOYWW ~ Neesie #20

Kyla said...

wow, that is a serious SMASH addiction!
Thanks for visiting my desk and glad your meds are sorted.

Anne said...

Hi there and glad that your medication is helping you feel better. You look very tidy and organised in your space. I've been trying to reorganise and decutter my space a bit- not easy. Sorry for being so late visiting. Anne x

fairy thoughts said...

It is sooooo lovely to see the sun shining in. Your room looks very colourful, especially your rainbow smash folders
have a good week
janet #18

Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

Good news that you are feeling better Zoe! I don't do Smash books but I have to admit I love how colorful they are on the shelf. :)

Happy belated WOYWW.
Susan #100