
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Saturday share

I don't know where you are, reader, but here in Somerset it's pretty awful out there. Rain and wind. Yep full on auntumn/winter hitting us now.

As soon as Halloween has gone Christmas starts popping up everywhere. I love Christmas. But being a crafter has taken the gloss off somewhat. The last few years I've made my cards, feeling that my friends and family expect a handmade card from me.

Well not this year. Only my very close family and friends will get a card from me. In lieu of the rest I am going to make a donation to my fundraising. It's a personal thing that I've done throughout 2015. You can find out more and see my page for donations. My charity is HMSA.

I wanted to give back to the charity that has supported me with advice & information booklets all for free. I've already raised so much more than I thought. But to take the total over £500 will be amazing. I'm nearly there!

So those cards that close family/friends will get will be of the wobbler version!

 This card actually wobbles when stood up. I bought the kit ages ago but not used it. So over the next few weeks I will share my wobblers as I make them.

My Q & A daily journal asks - 

Who is your hero?

Well that's a huge question. I have many people that I hold in high esteem from many catergories -

Stephen King the author - always loved his work and would love to have a chat with him.

Darrell Clarke, Bristol Rovers manager - this wonderful man inspired my football/soccer team to promotion last season taking us back to the league from the non-league conference. 
 Yes I did dye my hair blue! This is my son Keagan and I with Darrell. Taken this May.

The Queen - I've always been fascinated by the Royal family but especially her majesty.

Most importantly My parents, my brother, my son and best friends - they constantly support me, help me and are always there for me.

So tell me who is your hero?

Take care Zo xx


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zoe wonderful rocker card love the Father Christmas and love your photos. Hope you are keeping well. Love Alison x