
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Friday, 6 November 2015

Friday smiles

Good morning! I'm back to share my Friday smiles as per our lovely host Annie declares.

Here's mine - 

 A Christmas wobbler card. I bought this kit years ago but haven't used it so this year for close family & friends I'm making wobblers!
I took this yesterday. Inky fingers from book folding. Again I'm making many Christmas presents this year and book art is my chosen gift!

My daily Q & A asks - 

What time did you go to bed last night?

Well it was actually 7pm, but I get into bed at that time and then I watch tv or boxsets on my laptop, I crochet too. I didn't go to sleep until gone midnight as I reduced my medication dose as I thought I was having a better day (I self manage my meds as per doctors instructions, reducing and increasing dosages as needed). However my body wasn't playing ball and wouldn't stop spasms etc. Luckily I didn't need to go anywhere this morning so I could sleep until I naturally woke up.

That's it from me. Take care Zo xx 


Lisca said...

Hi Zoe,
I like your wobbler. I saw it in the making on Wednesday. Does it fold out?
And the book folding is quite an art and I'm sure they make very special presents. Here in Spain it is expensive to buy second hand books. With the ex-pats English books are gold dust and go for quite a few Euros each. You could buy a new best seller at Asda for that sort of money. I haven't seen any second hand Spanish books. I suppose there is no market for those....
I find you Q&A very interesting. Do you get a random question every day? It's very personal so I find myself very privileged to be able to have a glimpse into your life. It's a good idea to go to bed very early and do things lying down or at least resting. You learn to listen to your body I suppose.
Thanks for visiting earlier and Happy Friday!

Annie said...

Hi Zoe. I love your wobbly Santa :-) and how special to receive a home made gift from you....I'm sure they will agree with me.
Hope you have a good week health wise.
Annie x

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Zo,
What is a wobbler card? He goes back and forth??? I actually bought a few things to put together a birthday card yesterday. I'm going to amaze myself if I actually get it done.

I don't like the ink from newspapers on my fingers - it just feels so unnatural to me! tee hee

Let's see. I went to bed last night around 8:30 p.m. Like you, I watch my shows and hopefully stay awake through the news so get to sleep around 10:30. I start work at 7:30 a.m. so I really need to get my zzzzsssss.

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

Zo gorgeous wobbler card love the father christmas image hope you feel a bit better soon and manage a decent nights sleep. Love Alison x

Robyn Oliver said...

Happy Friday Zo...he's a very cute wobbly santa - I like when you buy a kit and then can use it as a pattern to make lots more. I like this book folding thing too - recently saw Christmas trees decorated - looked great. Enjoy your weekend Robyn

Hettie said...

wobbly Santas! whatever next?
i bought a bpok pattern from etsy, but as yet i haven't tried it. It is a witch so I have a little time yet!
what time did I go to bed? 10pm bit was woken at 3am by my dog barking out of the window!? Not happy as i could not get back off to sleep!
Happy weekend

mamapez5 said...

I love the happy wobbler Santa, and I am in awe of anyone who can do the lovely book folding. I shall have to buy a pattern one day just to see how it is done. They will make lovely presents for some lucky friends.
I am a bit of a night bird. Both hubby and I are often still up at two o'clock in the morning, and I do some of my best crafting then. But I am quite good at getting up in the morning too. It is just after lunch that it catches up with me, so I thoroughly approve of the Spanish custom of a siesta!
I hope you have a good week with your health. You know your own body best so I guess self-medication management is a good idea for you, but it must be a bit worrying at times. Anyway take care. Kate xx

Anne said...

Yoy r wobbly Santa made me smile. Last night went to bed at about eleven but was still awake at four am. That's fourth time this week! Hope you get a good night. X