
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Morning! Well I've been up early and out and about. I was lucky to get a cancellation with my hairdresser so I was down in town for 9AM, usually unheard of, but needs must and I needed a haircut desperately.

So now I'm back, hair all chopped and feeling lovely. A quick snap around my craft room reveals these photos - 
Left side, looking rather full. Usual suspects there but all the folders are my Family History research. About ten years ago I started and found a lot of information, but after about 4 years I stopped. Back last year I sorted the information into small folders relating to each main family group. I got it all out at the weekend and have started adding the 1911 census to the families.

New pen storage. I still need another set to house the rest of my Copics but I'll get there!

Window side - usual colouring going on!


Slightly crammed bookcase. 

So there you go, that's me. Why don't you pop over to Julia's - Queen of all desks to join in, and get started!
Take care Zo xx


Jackie said...

Great set of photos Zoe
Just one missing the one of your new haircut!!!!
Great to read you have been updating your family history And putting it in folders!!!! Is there next stage of scrapbooking it Or maybe even using project life to do a few pages and lots of photos and info!
Jackie 44

The House of Bears said...

Wow, that's a lot of pens! We thought we had loads!

The bears @#99

Robyn Oliver said...

Great looking work space Zoe, very neat and tidy. I too do family research - got to be careful when I start out my day I don't get started on the tree thing or the rest of my planned day goes out the window.. Cheers RobynO#74

Anita said...

Your pen rack is amazing. All the smash books, are they for something special? Family history research is a bit much but well worth it.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love going to the hairdresser!! If I won the lottery, I'd go every week for the sheer bliss of someone washing my hair and doing the massage...ooh, luvverly!
A really glad Lisa liked the bin...hope it serves her well :-)
Hugs, LLJ 63 xx

Winnie said...

Wow, that looks like some family project! Glad you have it organized so you can pick it up anytime you want! Love your marker storage! Those images you stamped are darling.
Enjoy the day! Winnie#89

Debs Willis said...

Love the 360 shots to see all of the room! And want to rummage thru your bookcase to see what goodies are in there lol!

Happy woyww

Debs #98

shazsilverwolf said...

Love all your art room pics Zoe- so many smash books! I have to make a start with mine- scared to death of it, lol. Have no idea what to put in yet. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #50 xx

Anonymous said...

Love your desk Zoe I did my hubby's family tree a while ago and managed to get back to 1247 but now there are no more records which is a shame, I did start to have a go at my Dad's family tree but not picked it up for ages perhaps I need to have another go. Love Alison xx

Carole said...

I have to wonder about all the markers I long do they last? do you use them all? Are they insured? He-he just kidding but I know they're pricey. You do some very pretty coloring. Snoop on! Carole #111

Princess Judy Palmer said...

It's all looking good in Zoe-Land. I've been pondering those storage units for Copics but don't really know where I would put them, but I do envision them being crashed to the ground by pesky cats. I have them in a little make-up case/lock box thing now but it can only fit maybe one or two more.

Helen said...

All those pens......Still, you do do a mean bit of colouring!! Love the bookshelves, crammed or otherwise! Have a good week. Helen 8

ria gall said...

Hi Zoe
it looks like you have been keeping yourself busy with colouring and other crafting stuff. Can't believe you need more storage for your pens
Have a really great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
Hugs Ria #85

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Zo
I do envy all your pens especially this week as I have been colouring too, but I don't have enough colours in either copics or promarkers. your colouring is so awesome, I usually use my aqua promarkers ansd 'paint' with them it was a nice change and I might invest in some more at the next show

Annmakes said...

Wow that family history project is a huge undertaking! Love looking at your desks.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Good luck with the family history research. So easy to lose hours doing that! I hope your boy is feeling well rested when he goes back in September. My girl will be starting her GCSEs too and my boy gets his results later today. Eeek! Enjoy your chilling xx
Fiona #37

Anonymous said...

{sigh} Some day I will see your desk in a state, but that day is not today :) I have seen some fab homemade pen storage ideas out there, but yours just looks so perfectly tidy it's hard to beat.

Happy (better late than never) WOYWW!
Mary Anne (27)

Glenda said...

Love your space, thanks for sharing! I love the pen storage system! Glenda 91

Kelly said...

So organized! I love the Copic/ marker storage. I used their system as an example for Polymer Clay storage in an article I wrote. I love that the units are not expensive. Congrats on diving back into your family history. Creative Blessings ~Kelly #131

Unknown said...

Very organised, hope you found space for that fan again though - its got hotter in the North West again:( Well done with the hair cut and more organising.

Lynda #94

Robin said...

Wow I LOVE your pens and the holders! Fun!!! Good for you to do the geology (on your family?). I got only so far then got lost on the rest. Nice coloring area with the window and thank you for showing the shelves...they look just like mine :) Have a great week, Rasz #123

Elizabeth said...

You've got your family history well organised and in lovely colourful folders, mine are dull and ordinary by comparison. I've split mine up into family groups too but still to do much of the 1911 censur research yet. Nice to see your overcrowded shelves ... I've got some just like them in my craft room :) Have a great weekend. Elizabeth x #47

Darnell said...

Great post, Zo, and since I'm late, I came in through the front door and want to say congratulations on the well-deserved DT spot! It is exciting!! You'll be walking on air the rest of the week! Happy Belated WOYWW! Thanks for the visit to me! Darnell #16