
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

WOYWW 359 - stickers!

Hello everyone - apologies for my blog quietness. I promise I'm making up for the silence in usual Zoe chatterbox-style!

Today I'm here to share my desk as per many over at Julia's Stamping Ground why not pop by and join in?

So my desk - 
 Right hand side looking untidy - there's my Prismapencils & colouring book, lots of boxes under desk and a box of Euro 2016 stickers.
 Window side is a bit sparse. The sun is shining beautifully this morning. You can see my planner in the window as well as my Cinch machine. On my desk is the Euro 2016 sticker album.
Yep I decided to go with my inner child and collect football stickers for this Summer's Euro's in France. It worked out cheaper to buy a box of sticker packets than to keep buying odd ones. I'm fighting the urge to stick them all in one go! I'm just grabbing a few packets each day and am thoroughly enjoying the process.

There you go. Not crafting as such but it is sticking!!
Take care Zo xx


BJ said...

I've been grabbing the inner child too but mine was in planting a seed in a CD case and doing a Mr Grass head (there are links on my post today) What are we like? BJ #17 , please ignore the first two attempts at linking via my tablet at #16 & #4, I was obviously far too excited this morning!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh, I understand completely! There is something incredibly satisfying about collecting and filling in a sticker card book like that. I saw that Bristol Rovers drew last night, are they still on target for promotion?
Hugs, LLJ 14 xx

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. My planner lives right next to my keyboard, and use it all the time. So useful for reminding me of what I need to be doing. I am not a football fan, but I can understand the urge to collect stickers. I used to have a sticker scrapbook - which I pretended that I was doing for a future grandchild! Ali x #33

jill said...

My grandson is collecting the stickers for the same sticker album also. Grandad is cutting out the coupon everyday & getting the free sticker sheet from the shop on the way home each night , so that's one happy grandson at the moment.

Barb said...

Sounds as if you're having fun. I love collecting stuff myself um stamps mainly. It won't be long now till the kick off! You've certainly got lots there for colouring in. Enjoy your week. Barbxx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Zo am smiling here at you grabbing a sticker book and filling it in ,.. something very satisfying about that isn't there?
Lovely desky share, had good snoop1 I like your sprays in your spice shelves assume that is what they were..

Thanks so much for sharing.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x # 34

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Annie said...

I'm doing a lunchtime whizz round all my fav blogs having had a busy morning shortening trousers and a very posh long dress in the sunshine.....what more could a girl wish for?
Not crafting? Sticking is fine with me so just enjoy it :-)
Annie x # 15

My name is Cindy said...

Ha ha Zoe, as long as you are enjoying yourself!! Always love seeing all those colouring mediums SO organised!! The blog is looking very fresh and shiny, love the blues and greens.Happy Wednesday, Cindy #29

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Zoe,lovely desk shots! Hope you are enjoying your sticker collecting. I can remember there used to be these sticker albums for all sorts of things when I was younger. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #8 xxx

trisha too said...

Your art area is fabulous, Zoe!

I totally understand the appeal of the stickers--we actually have a sports card and memorabilia store, and have for almost 30 years now. We're in the US, though, so I haven't seen your stickers before.

If you're on facebook, you can see it here!

:)trisha too
#44 this week with
baby shower deco

Jill said...

It's great to just have fun now and then, enjoy your sticking!

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Whatever makes you happy Zoe LOL! There's something fun about sticking stuff into an album, isn't here? Not sure I could be so enthusiastic about football though! Thanks for visiting earlier! Have a lovely week! zsuzsa #36

Twiglet said...

Well done with the sticker book - why wouldn't ya-I say! x Jo

Princess Judy Palmer said...

We've watched your marker storage along the side wall grow over the years and that's pretty nifty (my collection has grown as well). Have fun sticker-ing! PJ #61

Sue said...

Hi Zo, I am so envious of all your lovely pens.

I saw the sticker album in Tescos this morning.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #21

Helen said...

It's half time so I'm dashing round some more desks! Enjoy your stickers, have to say it has been a while since I bought them!! thanks for visiting. Helen #1

Sharon said...

I remember those sticker books when we were kids. Used to love collecting the football ones. What a blast from the past!

Your desk looks wonderful - all those pens just make my jaw drop in wonder.

Sharon K #49

Bernice said...

Have fun with your sticker collecting! Thanks for calling in earlier.
Bernice #23

Lisca said...

I'm not a foorball fan but one of our grandchildren is into football and has albums too. (Perhaps even the one you have). And I can understand the fun of doing it. So have fun!
Thanks for visiting earlier,
Have a good week,

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving your pen collection and your work area looks great but if filling your sticker book is what you want to do then you go for it Lol! Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 25

Diana Taylor said...

You've just taken me back to my childhood too! I remember the wonderfully satisfying feeling when you got the sticker you needed and added it to your book - it was addictive! Hope you have loads of fun filling yours in, but it's cheating a bit if you don't do swapsies!!!
Thanks for the earlier visit and I hope you have a great week,
Diana #28

Neet said...

Enjoy your football stickers. First of all thanks for visiting me yesterday whilst I was out and about.
Love your desk and all those pens - if I could colour as good as you I would also be having lots of pens to use.
Thanks for sharing
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

sandra de said...

I think all crafters enjoy a collection of stickers. Those beautifully arranged coloured markers are a visual delight.
sandra de @11

Artatag said...

Your collection of markers is awesome! I fall for stuff like that. Re you going to swap stickers?
Thanks for your earlier visit
Gabriele 53

Anonymous said...

Zoe glad you are feeling well enough to blog and just look at your desk so tidy I have been having a clear out and Alan has put up extra shelves for storage and therefore I am doing a crafty Give Away on my blog if you are interested. Take Care love Alison xx

Unknown said...

I love your desk, it really seems rather organized on the right with the markers and forward with the shelves of goodies. Have fun with your sticker collection! Thanks for your visit and hope your weekend is great!
Carol N #47

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I have to apologize, because I'm coveting your book binding machine, but especially your amazing marker collection and storage unit. Just kidding, but I would seriously love to have that many choices. Anyway, thanks for your visit and have a very blessed week!

RosA said...

Love all your coloured pens at the side!
Have fun with your stickers :)

Sharon Madson said...

Wow! I am so impressed with the number of Copics or markers you have! Thanks for the peek at your desk, and thank you for stopping by earlier. #54

Mrs.D said...

Zo, what a lot of pens and pencils you have, and so organised. I assume you do lots of colouring, not my forte.
Thanks for visiting my desk.
Chris #22

Kelly said...

Good morning, Zoe! So nice to see you cruise by my blog this week. Like Sharon, I am in awe of your marker/ copic collection. I'm still working mostly with the LePlume's I bought 10 years ago. Of course, they all still work so guess that's why I've not moved on. LOL Love seeing sunshine. Nothing like sunshine to put you in a spring cleaning mode. Creative Blessings! Kelly #43

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier - Floated my boat in Tuileries, it all happens on Sundays!!!
Glad you're bringing out the inner child as well, smashing fun isn't it?
Take care and have a good week
Bishopsmate #30

Bridget Larsen said...

Every once in a while we need to find that inner child and bring it out, it is a wonderful sanctum. This year I am collecting Football stamps that go on letters for our favourite team
Bridget #2

Unknown said...

Hello Zoe. Looks like such fun to take time for the inner child to come out and play for awhile. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a fabulous week Hugs ~Anne L#12