
When you make a conscious choice to be happy, no one can take it away from you because no one gave it to you: you gave it to yourself.

A quote from April Green's - Bloom For Yourself Journal

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

WOYWW 216?

I'm guessing it's 216 as last time it was 215!

Hello desk hoppers - hope you've popped over to The Stamping Ground, home to Queen Julia she who officiates all things desk/space to join in and to start hopping desk to desk around the world.

My desk is mid projects - anniversary cards for friends - so lots of colours and use of my new Anna Griffin rose embossing folder. Going to use one design, different colours based on the couple's favourites and go from there!

Right side with radio, fan and a pile of SU inks.

Window side - still hot and sunny here. We did have one small storm that lasted 2 mins but it did little to lift the hot sticky heat. 

Chose these colours for my designs.

Look tidy-Zoe - an empty bin!

So there you go, I will be back over the next few days to visit as many as I can.
Take care Zo xx


Bridget Larsen said...

Love the summer aspect to your craft area, I cant imagine it sweltering there while I shiver with -4C here, the wonders of our world
Bridget #23

Anonymous said...

What a lovely organised space and great colours you have chosen for your card!

Dawn #77

Morti said...


Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

Wish my crafting space looked like yours...... :-(

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Love the colours you have chosen. Cooler here - and we had rain last night, with more forecast tonight, which Rich is really happy about (otherwise he was going to have to start feeding the cows @ £100 per day!). Ali x #65

Anonymous said...

You are the standard by which I measure just how bad my desk is. I don't think mine has EVER been cleaner than YOURS. Love the colours - I think hot pink would mix in there very nicely.... :D

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (41)

Daniella said...

I have that embossing folder Zo, you will love it!! I know your cards will be awesome! Stay cool!!

Unknown said...

Your space looks so nice and yet productive! Hope it cools there -- it is 84 here in the Ozarks today, ten degrees cooler than yesterday! Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #46

My name is Cindy said...

I think a lot of UK Desks have an extra fan this this week! Nice empty bin - my OH always moans about the state of mine! Thanks for the visit, Cindy #36

Anonymous said...

Look forward to seeing your creations Zo love the colours you have chosen. Love Alison xx

trisha too said...

Looks very tidy, and a project-in-progress, too--pretty colors!

Try and stay cool, and
Happy WOYWW to you!

#63 this week

Anne said...

looks so neat and tidy unlike my very messy space! Happy WOYWW Anne x

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Zo
I hope you are managing to stay cool in this heat hopefully the fan works well. an empty bin eh! not for long I bet

ike said...

FAB room and a lovely big window.... bet it's not so tidy now ?!! :-D

Happy WOYWW 216

IKE in Greece xx #13

ddazzled71 said...

Such a tidy workspace and I love the colors you have chosen for your latest designs. Happy WOYWW! Danie #72

Helen said...

I resist using a fan as it seems to just circulate the hot air, but I did have to the other night or I'd never have got to sleep. We had heavy rain overnight today, (Thursday) which may have helped...! Not doing anything creative here at all... missing it! Helen 7

ria gall said...

Hi Zoe
you have a lovely tidy workspace for us today but I am sure you will be at your desk crafting something wonderful very soon, please do share with us
Sending hugs on WOYWW and hope you have a great week
Ria #44

Jackie said...

Tidy bin ..... Your a tidy person it's rare to see a mess ... I mean a full of product overflowing desk at yours !!!!!
Like your choice of colour for the anniversary card
Jackie 72

shazsilverwolf said...

Love your colours, especially the green.An empty bin- well done. Mine usually ends up overflowing before I empty it. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #70 x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Zoe, the sun streaming on to your desk looks lovely though I suspect it's too hot to work in. The empty bin is impressive. I'm still melting here even though we've had several rain storms over the last few days bringing a brief respite but now it is as humid as ever and it doesn't help my horrible legs and feet ... they don't need much excuse to swell up like balloons. However, I did manage to finish the cushion cover and get it off to my sister ... there's always something to smile about :) Have a great weekend. Elizabeth x #37

Julia Dunnit said...

i'm late, tidy's a bit less sticky here now, hope you're more comfortable...I hate working near the's always too fast, cold, noisy.....!! Like the colours you've chosen to work with, really pretty.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lovely colour combination. Looks like a bit of Calypso Coral there! It's a bit cooler here this morning so hoping it's less sticky with you today too xx

airing cupboard crafts said...

Hi Zoe sorry I am late visiting its been a manic few weeks!

Your desk looks great - you get so much natural light. I am in awe with all of the pens.

Laura x x