
Wednesday 27 March 2013


Hello lovely desk hoppers and crafty people everywhere!

Today's desk hopping exploits are overseen as always by the Queen of all desks, the lovely Julia, so pop over and check in, link up and show off!

Okay my desk -

Piles of old photo wallets taken from Keagan's photo box all ready to be photographed.  Those of you who attended the WOYWW crop last year will remember my baby smash book I was starting to create for Keagan. Well I've already made the pages in the book for pregnancy up to 1st wk home so now I need to take pics for the next few months. I'm literally taking photos of the photos so that I have a digital copy. I tried scanning but the quality wasn't as good. 

Such a precious photo of my mum's mum (my Nan), she passed away in 2000 when Keagan was 18 mths old, she adored him and loved to chase him around to grab a cuddle whenever she could. 

This is the photo of the photo, pretty darned good. Now I can crop it and focus on the 2 important people and of course with the digital age I can tweak it so I have a fab photo. But all the originals will stay in the photo box for Keagan when he's older.

The other side of the desk. Usual things present and that huge photo box!  The light is fairly bright despite it being cloudy.

Right so that's me. I'm off to make a coffee. I confess I've not long got up so I'm just starting to get sorted for the day!

Will be back to visit as many of you as I can later.  I've got photos to take and an article to write today! 

Take care Zo xx


  1. Super photo and lovely memories too. BJ#67

  2. You have a few years to go to catch up then.... lol! Gorgeous pic of your mum with K, special memories indeed. Helen, 12

  3. What a great keepsake you are making! What a lovely pic of your nan and son. Such sweet memories. Glad you are getting sun! We haven't and today we got a sliver and we expecting sun and warmer 50 degree weather for Easter, so I am excited. Have a Happy Easter! Winnie#78

  4. What a lovely photo of your Nan, Zoe. These baby photos are so precious and it'll make a lovely gift for your Son.
    Hope you have a lovely Easter.
    Hugs Lisax #60

  5. That's amazing that scanning doesn't work better than taking a picture. I mean, it would seem to me that scanning would have worked better, so that shows what I know, lol So nice to have pictures and great memnories showcased in his smash book. Thanks for visiting my desk today, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

  6. Super photo of your nan. I've just had a load of digital photos done to do some scrapbooking but there are so many I don'y know where to start now!! Good luck with your project. Cindy #91

  7. Great photo, lovely keepsake you are making
    Famfa 111

  8. Aww, that photo is so lovely and so precious. An important part of Keagan's book. If you ever have a photo that's really dreadful, I have a techy wizard who amazing at photoshopping and has rescued photos that my friends thought were beyond rescuing. My DH is awesome!!
    I'm looking forward to seeing you again'll be fun!
    Hugs, LLJ 59 xxxx

  9. Oh, Zo, I do love that picture of your Nan with baby Keagan! Priceless! Thanks for sharing the tip about taking photos of the photos, rather than scanning. OMG, that scanning take forever longer, too.

    And thanks for coming by earlier to visit me! Have a wonderful holiday weekend and week to come! Darnell #43

  10. What a wonderful photo! Will be a fabulous book when its done.

  11. That's a lovely idea you're doing. I look forward to the day when I get handed all the family photos so I may do something similar. Great pic of your nan! Happy Easter and thanks for sharing! Lucy #37 x

  12. Hi Zo
    love the photo, they are so special the ones of family now passed aren't they. You really are plodding on with the smash book, I stated one for GD Erin and have only managed 3 pages in nearly 2 years... she'll be 18 before I know it he he.
    As I am allowed to be nosey, what are the 2 green bottle ssitting on the left (sound like a song !)
    have a loveluy easter (and the end of lent ..yay)
    janet #16

  13. Hi Zoe, what a lovely photo, I have such a backlog of scrapbooking it's scary! Happy WOYWW, Carole Z #116

  14. Ooh another Zoe! :-) I must say, your desk looks immaculately tidy! What a wonderful idea to create a photo box, that's going to be a very treasured item indeed.
    Zoe @ Top Floor Treasures #125

  15. Hello my WOYWW friend!! LOL!! That was so cute!! Thank you!
    That picture of your Nan and Keegan is so beautiful! It actually brought tears to my eyes. You can see the love she had right through that picture and through the computer!! Your hard work will be so worth it! This project will be amazing!!

  16. Aaah, Zo, what a precious photo of your Gran. I know just what you mean about taking photos of photos rather than scanning, I get better results that way too.

    Thank you so much for calling by - belated Happy WOYWW and a Happy Easter my little friend :) Hugs, Di xx #51

  17. Hi Zo, great photo of the photo! My DH spent a lot of time doing the same with his parents old photos, works great with digital cameras. Love your smash book, sounds like a long way still to go but lots of fun and memories along the way - that's what I love about scrapbooking, you get to relive all those memories :-)

    happy woyww

    Debs #90

  18. You did a marvelous job on that!! Awesome!! I don't think I'd have the patience to tackle that huge box of photos, lol!

    Happy Easter!

  19. Blimming late this week Zoe, but no less pleased to see ya! Love what you're doing for Keagan...I know the pleasure is in the fdoing for us, but it will be so valuable! What impresses me most is that you're doing it chronologically...I've tried that. OMG I was bored witless. Why is that?!!

  20. Great photos of Keagan and Gran.
    You've got plenty time to complete his album.
    I like the idea of copying the I'm late coming roundotos and giving him the originals when old enough to appreciate the history.
    I'm late coming round this week.


Thank you so much for popping in and having a look at my blog. Take care Zo x