
Wednesday 10 October 2012


Hello nosy people!

Well we all are, aren't we? That impulse to look and see what others are up to travels around the world faster than the.......speed of your internet connection I suppose. If you are wondering about all this permitted nosy people lark, then you best get over to The Stamping Ground where Julia will show the way (I'm not suggesting at all that Julia is nosy, just that she sorts this whole thing out!).

Right as you know I've been slacking lately, in everything, minimal crafting here, I haven't even coloured an image for ages, and that my friends is unheard of!

I had my first session of Hydrotherapy yesterday, it was good though I am feeling like I've been hit by a truck today, but I do feel much better, in my head at least. So based on this I shall be attending the meet up on Saturday, I can't wait to meet Julia, Jan and whoever else is going, do let me know if you are and I shall look forward to meeting you too!

Desk, Zoe, desk, this new found feeling of positive goodness means I'm prone to go off on a tangent at times and forget what I'm supposed to be doing - 

Ok desk from further away - so untidy, well the whole area is for my liking, but me and my mum have a plan so you'll have to wait until it's been done to see!

Ok so there a shoe box full of photos - all Keagan related, starting right from the moment he was born up until......when I had a digital camera!

A pile of envelopes that holds various cut up lots of decoupage etc, I've been sat in bed cutting up the sheets I printed off so they are ready to use.

Plus all the other stuff that has been left on my desk instead of being put away in my normal tidy fashion!

I couldn't stop myself from putting this one together, it's an easel card that I will put a calendar as the stopper  I think! 

Right I'm in need of coffee before sorting out October finances and then getting round to see a few of you, I can't promise, but I will try, so keep your doors open so I can get in with my sticks!

Take care Zo xx


  1. I hate the fact that physical therapy can sometimes make you hurt worse then the original pain! Hope it gets more tolerable soon! Love the card you put together. So cute! Have a great week and don't over do at the crop. Vickie #41...stuck in Oklahoma

  2. Zo that is one neat desk. Hope the hydrotherapy improves over time. Take care and happy crafty Wednesday, hugs Erika. 96

  3. Nosey, me? Well yes I confess I am but I much prefer doing it via the internet (I hated househunting!). Pleased you're feeling better and I hope your body catches up with your mind very soon.
    Can't wait to see what you're plotting with your desk! XX #92

  4. Loving the desk this week and that the hydrotherapy work on at least one bit of you! Happy Wednesday! #42

  5. Thats not messy at all! Glad the hydrotherapy went well!

  6. Glad the hydrotherapy was good, hope the after effects wear off soon! Take care and looking forward to Saturday. Helen, 6

  7. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned. Do hope you feel better soon!
    Angie #18

  8. Hope the hydrotherapy works in the long term and you feel up to doing a bit more crafting soon.
    Bernice #5

  9. Nice tidy desk Zo, I wonder what your up with the photos??. Look foirward to seeing your posts. Hugs Rita xx 79

  10. Oh your untidy desk looks like a clean desk for me! Glad you're going to make it to the crop and wish I lived in England to go. Your card is uber-adorable. It would make such a cute calendar topper.
    Wednesday Blessings,
    LisaDV #110

  11. me thinks you have a plan for your craft area :)
    have a great woyww
    kay #48

  12. I see your picture of you and your boy when I came here! He is taller than you, just like mine!! They are born, and spring up in a flash don't they?
    Your desk is very tidy to me! Glad the therapy helped and you are so lucky you are going to the crop!! Have fun!

  13. 3 more sleeps!! Yay!! I'm really looking forward to it too...

    Glad to hear the hydrotherapy is helping, even though it might not feel like it at first!

    Hugs, LLJ #50 xx

  14. Glad to hear the hydrotheraphy made you feel better up in your head! You do sound positive and upbeat and that's always good!! Your easel card is stunning! Thanks for coming by to see me and have a wonderful week! Darnell #28

  15. Oh no Zoe, not he sorted outer, I'm the original nosey one!! I'm happy that you feel positive and good, it's very inspiring. Looking forward to Saturday, although you make me nervous....meeting me will be a very VERY normal experience!

  16. Happy WOYWW. I had a course of hydrotherapy when my Fibro was first diagnosed last year, and it was great - but, yes, it did make me feel like I had been run over by a truck (which is how I feel most of the time now!) - I always enjoyed the smoothie and cake in the cafe afterwards! We are planning to have our own hot tub when the farmhouse is renovated - and that will be sheer heaven. So annoyed that I can't get to the Crop on Saturday - a 3.5 hour drive each way is just too much for me (I need a helicopter!). Have a fab time. Ali x #67

  17. Hi there and love the card you have put together. Sorry that you have pain after your treatment hope that gets better as you do more treatment. I am not going to be there on Saturday but hope you have a grat time. Anne x #91

  18. Hi Zoe, thanks for stopping by mine earlier. Hope you feel the benefits of the hydrotherapy soon. Happy WOYWW! Gillian #23

  19. So you and your mum have a plan to deal with the untidiness then? Does it involve fire? That is usually my plan. I haven't resorted to it yet as evidence by my not showing a desk from inside a jail cell.

    I have a bunch of that cut out decoupage/layering stuff. I keep telling myself I should cut it out before my eyesight goes entirely.

    I hope you keep feeling better!

  20. Hey Zoe! We get to meet on Saturday! So looking forward to going and meeting lots of Blogging Buddies. Busy looking desk as usual.

  21. Fabulous busy desk... lovely to see what you're up to - hope the crop is fab at the weekend, will be thinking of you all! Happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  22. Hi Zo, look forward to seeing your desk plans - but more so to meeting on Saturday - whoop, whoop :) Oooer, just two more sleeps to go.

    I'm such a believer in hydrotherapy, it got me walking again after an accident. Seems that the water taking your weight is such a help, to confidence too. But, it did hurt afterwards at first I agree. Remember honey, no pain no gain. Let's hope you do find it helpful.

    Wot you bringin' to do on Saturday? Dumbo here still can't decide!!

    Di xx

  23. That's a lovely easel card you have made and what a great idea to use a calendar as a stopper. Hope you don't mind if I copy the idea.
    Sincerely hope you start to feel better soon - you enjoy the crop - wish I could go.
    Hugs, Neet 29 x

  24. Gorgeous easel card shug, oh I hope your soon feeling well bless you, you can come and visit me any time you want and your sticks are more than welcome, I have a couple of spares if you need them, love and gentle huggies June xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  25. Well hello you, I see you have already been by my blog! Had a good drive home and an evening watching telly and eating even more cake. I shall have to be good all week. Hugs, Cindy

  26. Oh dear Zoe

    so sorry to learn that you've been out of sorts so much that you're on stick and had to have therapy. Is it Fibro that you have too? Anyway - all that matters is that you were able to make it to the crop on Saturday - sounds like everyone had a blast.

    Hopefully one day we will meet if there is a second occasion - sounds like everyone is thinking of making it to the second!

    big hugs
    Paula x x x (#148) - sorry its late in the week - but I guess at least by doing so, I know what you've done rather than what you were going to do - if that makes sense lol xx

  27. Hope the hydrotherapy works out in the end! Take it slow before you know another WOYWW will be here so do what you can! Tamika #14


Thank you so much for popping in and having a look at my blog. Take care Zo x