
Thursday 22 March 2012

Post 101

I've just realised that yesterday's WOYWW post was my 100th and I never flagged it up! Perhaps I will when I get 100 followers...not long now.

Anyway I just saw this on Pinterest and thought I'd share it with you all. I'm a huge book lover with many books piling up all around the house so when I saw this it struck a chord with me.

So there you go, tell me what do books mean to you?

Take care Zo xx


  1. Congratulations on your 101st post! I'm new to blogging, it's been great getting all the feedback from the lovely WOYWW people!
    I work in a Library so books mean so much to me, I love books and don't like it if I don't have a pile of books waiting to be read (I go into a bit of a panic!!)
    On my blog I'm listing all the fiction I read this year, just for fun really. Would you mind if I blog the image? I can link back to you - not that it will make that much difference, I only have 3 followers!!
    I'll be back to look at your blog often. Thanks for commenting on mine. Suzanne @ desk 105

  2. Will I'm a strange one.... I had never read a book till I was in my 30's... started MANY, read articles, and newspapers, but for some reason I just could not finish a book.. that was really bad while I was in school as you can guess! I was a VERY bad reader and speller and still struggle, but I have become an avid reader now...YEA!! And always have a book going and several in the wings waiting... Love mystery's and fiction, and since I started so late in life to read I go the used book stores and get all the OLD book that are totally new to me... and cheaper too!!

  3. Books mean everything to me! Couldn't live without them and I get quite tingly in a bookshop and get withdrawal symptoms if I don't have a pile waiting to be read. Proper books mind, with a cover and a spine to crack and real-life pages ... none of this Kindle business for me! Love Debbie xXx

  4. I have been reading since the age of 3½ and even took myself off the the local library to join at the age of 11.
    I have to have at least 3 books waiting to be read and panic that there are so many books to read and so little time.
    I love my Kindle but have to admit I love the feel, smell and look of a real book, although unlike Debbie above I could never crack the spine. I have to have the book look like no-one has read it when I've finished.
    I have to admit (which makes me feel slightly ashamed) that I hate to loan any of my books out. I'd give anything else to anyone but really get quite upset if its one of my books! How sad is that? Maybe that was too much information? :$
    Have a wonderful weekend :D


Thank you so much for popping in and having a look at my blog. Take care Zo x