
Wednesday 29 February 2012

WOYWW 143 - Happy Wednesday

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Well I must say I enjoyed my trip around the world visiting all your desks and spaces last week. It takes me a few days, but Blogger allowing, I get there and am thrilled when you pop by my desk, and I must say Thank you for all the lovely comments that have been left over the last few weeks. They really do lift me.

So today I thought I'd not only show you my desk, but also let you have a peek at my room.

To start here's the view from the door.
I even resisted the urge to tidy up before I took these photos, I know some of you can't believe how tidy I am but I wanted to show you I do make some mess......see look closely, there's bits on the floor!

Looking around the room you see
 My laptop desk and specialised chair. The chair was made to order for me; it has many adjusting features and helps me to be able to sit. The chair material is flexible but supportive to fold around my back, which is twisted along with my ribcage. The chair also moves to propel me forwards so helping me to stand. It wheels nicely between my two desks.

 The tower with all my Craft CD-ROMs in and my printer which is always covered with paper and diary.
 My window sill and, of course, my shelves.

 The bookcase with all my inks, sprays, paints, pens, and jars full of flowers and obviously, my Cuttlebug.  In the baskets on the middles shelf are embossing folders, and that pink folder is home to my dies.

Under my desk is my Ultimate pro and Maxi Clevercut plus lots of A3 storage folders with various papers, sheets, sentiments etc.

And finally this is what's hiding behind the door

Lots and lots of books! Once, before craft took over, the room was like a reading room with bookcases along the walls, but then the craft came in and, well, pushed the books out.  One of these bookcases will be moved downstairs eventually. I need more storage and space for crafty stuff!

On the wall above my laptop are some postcards & pictures from Paris, and my Bristol Rovers calendar. In the frame is my degree certificate from the Open University(well the basic one, the one with the honours is in the living room!). The list under the frame is fixtures for Rovers where I record the results!

So my desk today

Last week I had a mammoth stamping session so over the last few days I've been colouring and making cards. You can see one of the stamped sheets which I'm in the middle of colouring fully and some papers that I've chosen to go with the images. 

This is where the image that is missing ended up, on the first Christmas card I've made this year!

I'm trying to be good and choose the papers first so that I can colour the image to compliment though I have a habit of just grabbing my Spectrum Noir pens and colouring away before realising I have no matching papers! Of all the pens that I have, I find my Speccies the easiest pens for me to hold.

I'm sorry to say there are no additions to the button collection this week.  My Dad hasn't eaten enough sauce for me to have the jar yet.  Some of you have asked what sauce comes in these jars.  It's from Tesco's and is their finest Tartar sauce in the smallest jar. My dad is Coeliac so can't have anything with gluten. He can't have the larger sized versions as the preservatives in them contain gluten. These little jars are perfect for my buttons. Can't beat a bit of recycling.

Anyway if you're reading this and thinking what is Zoe going on about, please pop over to Julia's blog The Stamping Ground and see for yourself and maybe you'll be like me and will enjoy being nosey!

Take care Zo xx


  1. great looking craft room. Lots of fun things to see and play with. Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #47

  2. Great craft room Zoe, I bet you spend many happy hours in there, I know I would. Have fun, Teresa xx

  3. Tee hee! I have visions of you scooting round the room in your chair! Love the room and how it works for you. I am especially proud of your OU degree (I wonder where I work?!) They take a lot of dedication and hard work and I'm thrilled you are so proud of it! Love how the books a relegated to the corners - I am sure we all have corners where the room's former use is still evident! Happy Wednesday!

  4. Love your tidy organized room, wish mine was so tidy! Love your card.

  5. Hi Zoe ,your room is so neat and organized . I love your colouring and your card .I think my heart skipped a beat tho at the thought of Christmas lol

  6. Great space Zoe and fab to have such a good snoop around it all. It's like the TV programme "Through the Keyhole"!!! You really are well organised and it must be so good to have such a state of the art chair too. Thanks for your visit,
    love joZarty x

  7. Fabulous crfty space you have!! And it is tidy!! (well most of it!!) Have a great crafty week ((Lyn))
    Happy WOYWW

  8. Love the Christmas card. I can't see any mess (but I understand the need to be tidy, although you wouldn't think it by what I've shown today!) (Hazel, WOYWW #5) x

  9. What a fabulous tour I have just had, and an insight into Zoe. That specialist chair is something, I am so glad you were able to get it if it helps you with crafting and things.
    Love your colouring and the card you have made. Don't often do these (because my colouring leaves a lot to be desired) but when I do I too start with the pens. Doh!.
    Thanks for calling to see me and thanks for putting your number, it so helps. Hugs, Neet xx #19

  10. Fabulous craft space, I love the image on your christmas card! Beautiful and coloured perfect, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x

  11. Your craft space is great. Do you have scoliosis? I am looking at the specialist chair and your remarks because I have it.
    Happy WOYWW

    1. Hi Carol - yes Scoliosis is one of my conditions along with a couple others. Thanks for popping by. Zo xx

  12. It is unbelievable the number of things that gluten infiltrates. I would never have thought about the smaller jars being free, while the same thing in a larger jar has it. Your room is great and so tidy, even the floor, just perfect, I would think, for moving a chair round with reasonable ease. When I am doing something to colour in, I start with the image, then the colours, then, if I can't find a piece of paper or card, I use the computer to produce what I need. Have a great week in your lovely craft room. xx Maggie #9

  13. oh my gosh what a beautiful room and the craft supplies, are like a dream, wow.
    Thats a beautiful chair as well, take care, thankyou for sharing

  14. Wow - lucky you to have a whole room and SO much crafty goodness! And are you really starting Christmas cards already? You're amazing! thanks for the visit.

  15. You won't be getting a full room tour from me! Very tidy yours is. Even your book piles are neater than mine. Glad to see the fixture list takes pride of place (even if I don't agree with the colours!). #82

  16. And there I was, thinking you were going to do the behind the door reveal to bookcases, as they'd been moved downstairs already! Oops, guess your Dad has been kept too busy painting your kitchen and eating Tartare Sauce for you, eh?! Fab post and cute Christmas card (though you know I'm groaning at the C-word!). You'll be pleased to know I've taken your fab (as usual) advice and joined WOYWW! I made a boo when I linked and only named myself as 'Deb', not 'Deb Penpot', but I'm number 130. Now all I've got to do is get round as many desks as possible, starting now...! xxx

  17. What a lovely room you have, Zoe and so tidy. I wouldn't mind a browse amongst all those books, they look fantastic.
    I just had a browse back through your posts and have to say I love your new look, very stylish and great glasses.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Hugs Lisax

  18. Fab craft room and kind of you to give us the four-star tour. Love your storage and all those books - I would be in heaven if I had so much space.

    Ann B

  19. what a fab craft room and so well organised,had to smile at seeing all those books,happy crafting,x

  20. That is an awsome crafting room! I love it! It is so bright and open. My room was the dining room before it became the craft room. The card is darling! Great coloring! Have a great WOYWW! -Amanda 80

  21. What a lovely carft room you have lots of storage and so tidy. The card is lovely the image is so cute hope you have a fab week Anne-marie no 18

  22. Thanks for the tour around your lovely craft room - I'm guessing it's your favourite room in the house (I know mine is!) All those books - wow, I bet there's one amongst that lot you could alter! I noticed your Bristol Rovers calendar. My hubby is a Millwall fan and my Dad and Brother are both Arsenal so I suppose I support both teams - not that either are doing particularly well at the moment, although yay for Arsenal the other day against Spurs!

    Thanks for already coming to see my desk :)

    Sherry - WOYWW #6

  23. What a cute card ....omg a Christmas one ....cant cope
    Loved the tour around your room ...a great space.

  24. What a well organised and inviting little craft room.

  25. Ha! You hide stuff behind doors too ;) LOL
    xoxo Sioux

  26. Wow - what a tidy work space ! And yet you still have all your stash out & handy - good for you ! Glad you have found ways to make crafting work for you - like your chair - it can be such a morale boost to get nice projects completed ! Thanks for stopping by earlier ! Ali #65

  27. Oh my that's a lovely tidy craft space...wish mine looked like that. Thanks for sharing, happy crafting, hugs,

  28. Thanks for showing us all the way round. It looks like a lovely space to work in.

  29. Wow what an amazing craft room. What I would give for that amount of space. Also very organised, making a start on the Christmas cards already.

  30. Happy wednesday from a fellow OU graduate and avid reader. I have recently solved my book storage problem by getting a kindle. I'd recommend it. What a nice light room you have to work in. Love your card, really sweet. Thanks for stopping by my blog. x

  31. Thanks for the tour, but no, not untidy, it looks great and I have to admire anyone who can make christmas cards in Feb (I made a few in January but it's all packed away now)
    thanks for sharing
    janet #36

  32. If that is messy, I'd hate to see what you call my room :)
    You have so many things but all organised. That card is really cute and tell your dad to get eating, so we can see more buttons :)
    Have a great week,
    Von #45

  33. Zo, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed visiting your blog this week, and having the guided tour of your lovely room! How organised it is, and how bright, light and airy, and conducive to creativity! Your chair looks amazing. I have a nice high-backed upholstered swivel chair which enables me to sit for longer periods at the desk - having M.E. I cannot sit comfortably in a "normal" chair either - when eating out I have to use my wheelchair or I am squirming in discomfort after 5 mins!! Sorry to hear you've got spinal problems, but so glad you've got a chair that enables you not only to be comfortable, but to enjoy doing what you do. It's so important!!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I am really looking forward to using my stencils for proper projects rather than just experiments - I'm designing lots more, and think they will be very useful. I couldn't manage without Sheba, my Black Cat Cougar cutter, now! She is awesome!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #38

  34. Love the peek into your wonderfully organized crafty space! Seems like a great crafty cave!

  35. Waht alovely well organsied craftroom .But may i just say ...Wow what aload of books thought i had l;oads but you beat me by far.Welldone you on doing your first christmas card,not thought about Christmas Easter first and not even started on those.
    Happy woyww

  36. What a fun crafting space! Thanks for the tour! Between all the goodies and all the books, I don't think I would ever leave that room if it was mine! Haha! Your card came out so cute!!

    You should look into Washi tapes! They're so fun...kind of like using a ribbon, but even easier and more versatile!

    Amy E. #39

  37. Howdy,
    Your desk is looking very tidy - are you sure you're a crafter? :-)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  38. Hi there, I'm a bit behind but wanted to pop my head round the door and say hello. Hoping you have a good and creative rest of the week. Thanks for the room tour.

  39. I so loved the full tour of your room. It is lovely! That chair sounds so special...Your cards are pretty and you are so right about checking the paper before you chose the pen colours.

  40. Morning sweetie this is gorgeous I love it ♥ Pop's ♥

  41. it is all so clean, and tidy ( but then all the desks are compared to mine!) sorry I directed you to cuba rather than my desk yesterday, but it was lovely to see you visit me there, it will take me a week to visit desks too this week, but so worth it I agree,


  42. Thanks for the tour of your crafty room! Looks like you have lots of stash to play with. The stamped images you are colouring are cute and those papers look lovely. Lovely Xmas card too! x

  43. It looks to be a really relaxing space to work in. It seems quite spacious and I have a little envy:))))

  44. First I'd like to Thank You for your kind words you left when you visited my blog!!!
    And what a FUN place to Play/Work you have... everything where YOU can find it... how nice that must be....

  45. what an awesome crafty room!!!!

  46. I am soooo jealous of your space (living in NYC means a small living space and a desk that is 2.5x3.5, sigh.

  47. Such a lovely room, I am very envious of your chair, I have lots of pain and cannot manage to sit for long but your chair looks very comfy. Lovely card, I did some Christmas cards too last week, the months are going so fast i feel December will be here before i know it. Hope you have a great week Hugs Lou x

  48. That is a beautifully organized space, you must enjoy working in it. Glad to see I am not the only one with piles of books. Check out Tag Tuesday, the theme there was books, there are some really nice tags. Thanks for dropping by my blog.
    Barb #116

  49. What a wonderfully "organized" room! I also collect books but mine are in the shape of magazines. I won't show my closet full as it definitely needs to be cleaned up! And I went from a 14' x 20' room to an 8' x 10' so much is in big tubs. Thanks for sharing your space!

  50. Wow your workspace is fab and your chair is genius! I love your card, its so sweet and the colours are lovely. Thank you for your nice comments about my first Encaustic Art Card - its scarey trying something new! Have a happy and creative week xx

  51. What a great workspace. So organized. I love the windows so much sunlight coming in....I live in a wooded area, it's not always easy to have the sunlight in my workspace. Your card is sweet, I love looking at all the coloring done by others and your coloring is very very lovely...Wonderful button story. Isn't it nice that your dad is helping keep your buttons organized! :-)

  52. What a great workspace. So organized. I love the windows so much sunlight coming in....I live in a wooded area, it's not always easy to have the sunlight in my workspace. Your card is sweet, I love looking at all the coloring done by others and your coloring is very very lovely...Wonderful button story. Isn't it nice that your dad is helping keep your buttons organized! :-)

  53. really an organized crafter aren't you workspace is great! have a great day

  54. Thanks for stopping by my blog! What a great workspace! I absolutely love to read as well so I was also drooling over all your books and not just your craft supplies ;p Thanks for the sneak peek into your craftroom, love it!!

  55. Thanks for the peek at your special work place! And all the books, wish I could look through them as I am an avid reader also. Started whe 7 and haven't stopped yet. First Christmas card, oh my didn't we just have Christmas, LOL. Really sweet card. Thanks for stopping by my blog and your nice comment.

  56. Well it looks like you have your craft room organized perfectly Zoe, with everything you need to hand. I must admit thought that I sometimes wonder if I would be tidier if I didn’t have a designated craft room because more often than not I tend to think, oh lever it, come out and just shut the door so no one can see.

    Pretty Christmas card by the way and great colouring.

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Happy Crafting!
    Sue H #95

  57. Love the room and the neutral wall colour, very calming

  58. Lovely space, so bright and cheery! I love books too, I keep trying to convince the husband to build a section of book cases so we can have a library, he isn't buying it though! Thanks for popping round, this is such fun!

  59. You have a wonderful space! Thanks for the tour. Linda #114

  60. oh wow!!!! your space is gorgeous and very inspirational!!!! wonderful to see it!!!!

  61. Wonderful tour, thanks! your library area puts me in mind of Helen, her dining room is a series of very large piles of books. Heaven, really!! How fab is your chair, what an amazing piece of design, am very glad that her able to be comfy.

  62. I loved the guided tour! I especially loved recognised the badge on the degree certificate as the OU which is a fabulous institution isn't it?! What's yours in? Mine's psychology but I'm still going - trying to get another one before the fee increase!

  63. What a great craft room - thank you for the tour. I might be brave enough one day even though it is only a little room.
    Thank you for your comments on my blog
    Mistys Mum #99

  64. You have a lovely crafting space. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visitng my blog:)

  65. Thank you for the tour of your room! It is so bright and such nice clean colours! And so organized too!
    Good for you on making a xmas card already! And thanks for visiting me earlier!
    xoxo Karen

  66. Hello!

    I love your craft room! I so envy that you have an entire room and even a window! Wishing you a happy day!


    Barbara Diane

  67. You could start your own library with those books.
    Nice studio and I can see you like purple.:>)

  68. Ooh, thanks for the tour this week! I love the Behind-The-Door Library and am shaking my head that you've already started Christmas cards. Gah!

    Susan #140

  69. Oh I would just love that craft room, so much easier than trays on a bed huh! Enjoy it and glad you had fun on WOYWW. Karen x

  70. What a fab room, i love all of your boxes and jars. I always intend to start Christmas in plenty of time, but some how it never quite works, I might follow your inspiration and start now.
    Have a great weekend
    Sarah. x x

  71. Fabulous work space i see Speccies :O)

    Fabulous creations too

    Happy WOYWW

    ali x

  72. What a great snoop around your room! Great to see that you can make a bit of a mess!
    Love the card too!


  73. Thanks for that fab tour - what a great place to create and looking so tidy too! Greta storage... Sarah at 1 having a late WOYWW peek and blog nose on Friday!

  74. Whoo - cool tour of the room Mrs - the thing that strikes me is how nice and light it is - unlike my pit of darkness! LOL

    Thanks for stopping by...

  75. While I enjoyed seeing your space and your card is adorable, the real envy cam in for me when I saw your books. I am an avid reader and would love to have a reading room and all of those shelves with book. I used to donate all of the books I have read to the local library, but in the last 2 years or so, have decided to start keeping them. Right now, I have about two shelves full and I am loving it. dani43

  76. This room is a treasure. Just a wonderful spot. The floor is what got me right off. Then I noticed the light. Then how organized you are. This makes it so much easier to work I find. I am desperately trying to get my self organized and yes, the parts that are neat and tidy are the parts where working is more creative for me. Anyway, this is a nice spot. *smiles* Norma

  77. Great space!!!
    Thanx for stopping by
    luv Ger

  78. ooh, now that is a tidy craft space (and a lot of books and pens!). But I think its TOO early for Christmas cards!! (but I am a little jealous at your organisational skills!). lol


  79. Wow what a great size room you have to craft in! Lucky you, I would love a good rummage in their :) lots of goodies! Loving your recent cards, your great a colouring images in! You look to have a lot of the crafters companion sprays? Are the glittery ones good? would love to know if they are worth investing in? have a great week!

  80. Wow love your light craft space. :)

    I'm running very late this week. Thank you for sharing and visiting my blog. :)


  81. Your room is fabulous! I love all of the books, I wish I could have a reading room AND a craft room...

    I love you cards, but I can't believe you are up to Christmas already! I haven't even gotten my Valentine's decorations down yet!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to reply, a bad cold had me down, but I wanted to get around and say hi before tomorrow's WOYWW!


Thank you so much for popping in and having a look at my blog. Take care Zo x